Player 1 |
#player1 Evans_Clinchy Evans Clinchy
#player2 Kurt_Davies Kurt Davies
>Evans_Clinchy: ALNORSS 8G SOL +6 6
#note LORANS? Fuck that shit, Quackle...
>Kurt_Davies: AAEG I7 A.GAE +9 9
>Evans_Clinchy: ABDNRSY H10 BRANDY +45 51
>Kurt_Davies: EGI J10 GIE +21 30
>Evans_Clinchy: FINNSTW 7H W.NT +12 63
>Kurt_Davies: ?AEEIST 15H .EASTIEr +83 113
>Evans_Clinchy: AFHINSS 14J FA +28 91
>Kurt_Davies: ILOT 13K LOTI +11 124
>Evans_Clinchy: DHINSSZ L4 ZINS +34 125
#note DISH 12L looks better. It's easier to score a bunch next turn with NSZ than with DHS...
>Kurt_Davies: BELT 12L BELT +26 150
>Evans_Clinchy: ADHNPSX N10 HA..D. +36 161
>Kurt_Davies: ?DERU O7 RUDE +20 170
>Evans_Clinchy: INPSTWX 5K P.X +24 185
>Kurt_Davies: AM M3 MA. +35 205
>Evans_Clinchy: CEINSTW N2 CIS +26 211
#note I figure this is the best play for controlling the board. I score 26 and take a slight lead, and this corner of the board is shut down. I have one of the last two T's for the TWO hook at 6H. This play seems to put me in the driver's seat. It's probably wrong, though. Quackle sure thinks so.
>Kurt_Davies: MOR N6 ROM +13 218
>Evans_Clinchy: EGINRTW 14B WRINGE. +32 243
#note All right, time to blow up the rack. I don't have a choice.
>Kurt_Davies: ?ENORTV C8 OVERTu.N +78 296
#note I hate Scrabble.
>Evans_Clinchy: EEJOTUV 12A JU.E +38 281
>Kurt_Davies: HO 8A OH. +18 314
>Evans_Clinchy: DEIIOTV 15A VE.D +40 321
#note Or I can play ION 6J, keeping DEITV and praying for a bingo. Seems like a pipe dream. My play is the sure thing.
>Kurt_Davies: OY B10 YO. +29 343
#note Ugh. This is bad.
>Evans_Clinchy: CIIOORT 6F COT +17 338
#note Yeah, I should play ION here. I'm just desperately grasping at points, given this deficit. I'm pretty sure this play is wrong.
>Kurt_Davies: EF B6 FE. +17 360
>Evans_Clinchy: IIKOQRU F3 QUI.K +20 358
#note This is the only play with the slightest chance of winning. If Kurt plays the endgame perfectly, he wins no matter what. But as far as "let's hope he screws up" plays go... this has to be best, right?
>Kurt_Davies: AAILNPU C3 LIPA +17 377
#note There are 13 different plays that win here. This is one of them.
>Evans_Clinchy: EIOR - +0 358
#note I recounted the entire game on my time and concluded that yes, indeed, VIREO does lose by 1. So I challenged LIPA. It was my only hope -- I thought there was a slight chance that AILP was just PAIL and PIAL. I thought maybe it had a 1 percent chance of being phony.
>Kurt_Davies: ANU 4F .NAU +5 382
>Kurt_Davies: (EIOR) +8 390