Player 1 |
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#player1 ken_Rubin ken Rubin
#player2 Jared_Cappel Jared Cappel
>ken_Rubin: AACENTV 8G VAC +16 16
#note I was proud of myself for playing 8G VAC (AENT) instead of 8D VACANT, VACATE or CAVEAT. I looked at those plays first before realizing how unbelievably defensive VAC was --- basically Jared can't do anything with it. However, there were other turns this tournament where I made the defensive play, and it wasn't necessarily the right move (at least according to Quackle).
>Jared_Cappel: AADNOST G7 O.A +8 8
>ken_Rubin: AELLNTU 10E NULL +13 29
#note This was a slight equity mistake. Better plays are 6E LUN and 10F ULNAE
>Jared_Cappel: AFST 11D FATS +28 36
>ken_Rubin: AAEEHPT 12D AHA +31 60
#note I chose to play 12D AHA (EEPT) over 1D APE (AEHT) primarily for defensive reasons. The leave is clearly better with APE, but I saw a clear defensive edge with AHA. Quackle prefers APE by a clear margin for a reason that is unclear to me--maybe it assumes an open board on the next turn and a better bingo chance leaving AEHT.
>Jared_Cappel: D D11 ..D +7 43
>ken_Rubin: EEOPTTV 14A VETO +22 82
>Jared_Cappel: AINNRST B8 TRANNI.S +60 103
>ken_Rubin: EEEIPST J3 EPEEIST +70 152
>Jared_Cappel: KMP 5I K.MP +24 127
>ken_Rubin: ?DLNRUZ 3I Z.D +23 175
>Jared_Cappel: AGHRT M2 GARTH +31 158
>ken_Rubin: ?AALNRU N6 ANnULAR +67 242
>Jared_Cappel: EGGRU A4 GURGE +33 191
>ken_Rubin: DIOOQST N1 QI +28 270
>Jared_Cappel: EEW O6 WEE +32 223
>ken_Rubin: DEIOOST O1 ID +47 317
#note I missed K9 OSTEOID for 68 points. Although, I'm not sure I would have played it even if I saw it. You can make a decent argument for skipping the bingo and playing O1 ID for 47 points. ID blocks Jared from having a high-scoring QI play in the same area. It also keeps the S which is very valuable on this board because it allows access to the triple line through FADOS.
>Jared_Cappel: EFW M11 FEW +25 248
>ken_Rubin: BEOOOST 4J .OO. +26 343
>Jared_Cappel: NOXY F4 ONYX +31 279
#note For those keeping score at home, XO isn't good.
>ken_Rubin: BEIOSTY K9 OBESITY +76 419
>Jared_Cappel: EIJMO E1 EMOJI +41 320
>ken_Rubin: ?EEIRRU 1A EERI. +18 437
#note I didn't see 2A RhEUMIER for 72 points. Interestingly it doesn't sim best , I think because there is a 1/8 chance I draw the C next turn and get stuck with it. Still, if I had seen RhEUMIER, I likely would have played it and taken my chances
>Jared_Cappel: CDIILNO 15K .ONIC +33 353
>ken_Rubin: ?BRU 12H BRU.h.. +22 459
#note Cool front extension possibility with BARYONIC. I wasn't even looking for this option.
>ken_Rubin: (DIL) +8 467