Player 1 |
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#player1 Jackson Jackson
#player2 Jeff_Cook Jeff Cook
>Jackson: EEEINTU -EEU +0 0
>Jeff_Cook: AEFIILR -AEFII +0 0
>Jackson: EINOOST H6 ISOTONE +66 66
>Jeff_Cook: AQT G6 QAT +29 29
>Jackson: ALRUWYZ 12D WURZ.L +36 102
#note did not see UNWARY or YOWZA. I Saw RUNWAY which is a cool Z setup, but it get sblocked far too often to be worth it. UNWARY is a slightly better version, encouraging plays off the Y more, but I sitll need to draw an A as well so it's not guaranteed.WURZEL wins a sim and I think it's worth it
>Jeff_Cook: EHY 13C YEH +28 57
>Jackson: AMNRTVY 10F AT.MY +20 122
#note I think VASTY is a great play here. I liked taking out WURZELS and restricting everything on the board, but NRV can be so bad on this board. VASTY does allow some 8 row plays, but I set up my M and keep a really solid leave tha tnever goes to shit.
>Jeff_Cook: BOO 11B BOO +11 68
>Jackson: IINNRRV J7 VIN. +10 132
>Jeff_Cook: AR I8 RA. +14 82
>Jackson: EEINPRR G12 .EN +13 145
#note RE 12a was strongly considered as well. I liked ZEN to proactively block ISOTONES bingoes.
>Jeff_Cook: AOPT 13I ATOP +10 92
>Jackson: AEIPRRX 14I PIX +32 177
#note I considered APEX, REPAIR/RAPIER a lot, and both are nice to either score well immediately or keep the X for a setup. RAPIER sets up the X, and if he takes the spot I can take out the S hook. The only problem is really if he hits a big rapiers bingo immediately, which feels like throwing away a pretty good lead. PIX felt like it added to my lead without taking much risk - ATOPY is a small concern but it's only blanks out so it's a very small concern
>Jeff_Cook: DEF 14B FED +27 119
>Jackson: AEGIORR 15A GAR +23 200
#note I like keeping the O for OP and OXO here - I guess he plays in that area fairly often but without O or U one of the two will stay open. 12K GOR was strongly considered, but didn't love the lane and risk in the leave. I felt like GAR was the safest choice for the board
>Jeff_Cook: EEV L10 VEE. +18 137
>Jackson: AEIORSU 15J SOUARI +34 234
#note preferred to OURIE cause I would much rather make a better lane on the N column than the O column so I get better comebacks and the bingoes score less. The S is also not super useful on this board, a lot of little S setups can be thwarted otherwise.
>Jeff_Cook: AI 13I ....IA +16 153
>Jackson: ?AEIJLT 11K E.JIT +24 258
#note bad - ATOPIA* is not a word. I held for a while and could not pull the trigger. Wanted to at least block the S hook
>Jeff_Cook: IK 10N KI +34 187
>Jackson: ?AAEEHL O8 LA..H +36 294
>Jeff_Cook: DEN D8 END.... +13 200
>Jackson: ?AEEFOU C7 FOU +16 310
#note I have all the vowels
>Jeff_Cook: ?CELNRS B3 LaNCERS +75 275
>Jackson: ?AEEGMR 2B GlEAMER +100 410
>Jeff_Cook: CEW H1 C.EW +39 314
>Jackson: BDDGIOS 3E BID.D +26 436
#note just BIDE is better cause DOGS scores more
>Jeff_Cook: ILNTU E1 T..UN +14 328
>Jackson: GOS I3 .OGS +23 459
>Jackson: (IL) +4 463