Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 John_Luebkemann John Luebkemann
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>John_Luebkemann: BJO 8G JOB +24 24
>Jackson: AEILTUY I8 .EAUTY +16 16
#note strongly considered JEU here. Didn't know much about John's game, after seeing it more I might go for JEU or BUY, which was my other consideration. Generally I like making small sacrifices for boards like BEAUTY though, I don't like being locked in making Ss more valuable.
>John_Luebkemann: HNO G8 .OHN +15 39
>Jackson: AEGIIIL 11E LI.G.AE +32 48
>John_Luebkemann: NOO H13 ONO +14 53
>Jackson: EIIIOOW -IIIOOW +0 48
>John_Luebkemann: AAEGNST J2 AGNATES +75 128
>Jackson: ?ADEEVY 3J .YVE +22 70
#note Laid down VALLEYED, which I was not sure of, and John said hold before I had hit my clock. He said hold in a way that made me think he really didn't like it, and that got to me. Of course after all VALLEYED is a word, and playing it might have been doubly good if it had drawn a challenge. Q also prefers just dropping the Y for 26 - I bingo as much as I do after GYVE if not more, and the V helps bingoes score decently. VALLEYED still sims best by a few over AY, but AY is a couple ahead of GYVE.
>John_Luebkemann: EMOT 1H TOME +29 157
>Jackson: ?AADEIL N1 rADIALE +81 151
>John_Luebkemann: EGIIIKO -GIIIOK +0 157
>Jackson: BDEIORS O7 DISROBE +92 243
#note dumb
>John_Luebkemann: AENRRT 14J RANTER +27 184
>Jackson: LLOTUWW 5I W.WL +20 263
#note fully missed K5 WOW, which is def worth playing over this.
>John_Luebkemann: IPZ M7 ZIP +50 234
>Jackson: ALOOPTU 4D OUTPLA. +25 288
#note probably LOUPE 13K over this.
>John_Luebkemann: CDHRSUV 15K RAITs +57 291
>John_Luebkemann: CDHRSUV -- -57 234
>Jackson: CHIIOVX 5E HI +22 310
#note lets go
>John_Luebkemann: ?AIRRTU 15L AIRs +52 286
#note actual rack
>Jackson: CCIOSVX 6F XI +51 361
>John_Luebkemann: FNU G13 FUN +27 313
>Jackson: CCGKOSV D3 V.G +14 375
>John_Luebkemann: U G3 U. +5 318
>Jackson: CCEKNOS E10 C.OCKS +14 389
#note CLOCK looks better for spread, I got a bit concerned that a big CLOCKS play then QI and an outplay by him could get close, so I played CLOCKS to be safer. I can get Q stuck, but I can always draw even some 15 row play that outruns, so I think both CLOCK and CLOCKS always win. Realistically I can play COKE as well, there are no 15 row 9s, which is what I was worried he could be fishing for.
>John_Luebkemann: IMRT 15A TRIM. +30 348
>Jackson: EEEFNQR 8L Q. +21 410
>John_Luebkemann: DDEIS 12I .IDED +19 367
>Jackson: EEEFNR 12B FRE.N +18 428
#note REEFER
>John_Luebkemann: S M7 ...S +15 382
>John_Luebkemann: (EE) +4 386