Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jared_Cappel Jared Cappel
#player2 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
>Jared_Cappel: AAEHJMS 8G HAJ +26 26
>Morris_Greenberg: BEGLNRX H6 BR.NG +8 8
>Morris_Greenberg: BEGLNRX -- -8 0
#note I forgot whether this was valid and felt like this was a bit of a zugzwang position anyway where making plays here aside from BR(A)NG* make Jared's turn a lot simpler, whereas passing and having Jared play will often make my turn simpler. I didn't consider REX 9F enough here, BGLN is super strong and not as many hooks as LEX. GLEN 7E is also fairly closed.
>Jared_Cappel: AEGMOSV 9F VOG +17 43
#note I remembered that one of BRANG* or BRUNG was no good, and BRUNG seemed like more of a real word so I was able to pull the trigger on the challenge.
>Morris_Greenberg: BEGLNRX 10G BERG +23 23
>Jared_Cappel: AEIMNRS K4 REMAINS +76 119
#note MARINES is a bit beter to not float the E and R in space and not put the I at 8L. Plus not to set up CREMAINS which I totally whiffed on. I did see SMEARING but that is worse.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEELNTX 8K .XTLE +60 83
#note Shoot, I completely missed EXTE(R)NAL.
>Jared_Cappel: ?CHINOS O8 .CHINOuS +89 208
>Jared_Cappel: ?CHINOS -- -89 119
#note I was about 65% sure this was good. Maybe not enough confidence to be playing this when I had other bingos available. I saw CHORIONS and PHONICS but missed the top two bingos of HYOSCINE to the triple and COCHINS/CREMAINS.
>Morris_Greenberg: AENOOUZ 4K .OUEN +12 95
#note Even though I didn't spot HYOSCIN(E) or cOCHINS/C(REMAINS), I thought it was likely there was a high scoring bingo on this side of the board (and saw pHONICS/C(REMAINS) as a best case scenario that is only 4 fewer points than the 11A pHONICS too). I figured if Jared sees pHONICS, it might be worthwhile to keep the Z too for high-scoring counterplay. I highly considered OUZO and OZONA(T)E too. Quackle much prefers OUZO, but to be fair, that assumes Jared sees CHI(N)bON(E)S.
>Jared_Cappel: ?CHINOS 11A pHONICS +81 200
#note Oh, wow CHI(N)boN(E)S O1. My play is second best.
>Morris_Greenberg: ACFIIOZ O1 AZO.IC +51 146
#note I seriously considered C(H)IAO here too, but at my score it just seemed too closed. Quackle agrees, though one cool play it suggests that I missed is FAI(N) O1 to set up ZO(E)A possibilities.
>Jared_Cappel: EEILPQV M2 EQ.IP +32 232
#note Quackle prefers QUIP setting up the E but that doesn't feel how I'd want to play things. PIQUE instead of EQUIP makes sense to avovid floating an E that's going to be hard to block long term.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEFIIOY J5 FOY +27 173
#note It's a bit tough to keep the vowels here, but I need to keep the game within a bingo and not shut stuff down. Quackle agrees.
>Jared_Cappel: BELNUVW C9 BL.WN +26 258
#note I liked the defense of this over UNWOVE, but Quackle prefers the aggression.
>Morris_Greenberg: AAEEIIN A11 .IANI +15 188
#note I was getting low on time and played this pretty quickly. A(N)I 9J looks much better here, and (T)AENIA M8 too.
>Jared_Cappel: DEOTUUV N8 .UV +14 272
#note Quackle slightly prefers WUD 12C. I like taking out lanes and not leaving an S hook that I'll have to addres going forwards.
>Morris_Greenberg: AAEELPY 12C .E +14 202
#note This is a slower move that I like here and Quackle won't be the best at assessing it. (N)EAP D11 is also nice here as an immediate gamble. Depending on style, either seems reasonable, I like this though.
>Jared_Cappel: DEIOTTU 10C .OT +8 280
#note Morris suggests maybe just LO to avoid giving up plays ending in -SH or -PH forming SLOT or PLOT. Quackle's top play is B14 UT. I thought the D column was the most dangerous spot for bingos and that i had to adjust to his fish of one tile.
>Morris_Greenberg: AAEELPY 12C ..E +9 211
#note Quackle prefers B7 YEA here, it felt too impatient to me though given Jared's actual rack, maybe that would've worked out well here.
>Jared_Cappel: DEEISTU B14 ED +13 293
#note Quackle wants me to play XU and go for my own bingo. I liked taking out the best bingo lane.
>Morris_Greenberg: AAELPWY F11 .LAW +24 235
#note Quackle slightly prefers CLAY to CLAW here.
>Jared_Cappel: EIRSSTU 15F SUITERS +84 377
>Morris_Greenberg: AEPRTUY 14J YAUPER +55 290
>Jared_Cappel: DEFLRTT 13E R.TTED +20 397
#note Right idea but somehow missed RAFTED/DAFTER, marginal improvements.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEIIKNT O12 KI.N +39 329
>Jared_Cappel: DDFLMOR 13L MOD. +30 427
#note MG: Nice play by Jared, this outruns AGIOTAg(E). JC: Thanks. I did the math and saw I'd outrun any bingo not down the H column and that looked really unlikely.
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AAAEIT 12K EAT +23 352
#note A(MUS) is 2 points better.
>Jared_Cappel: DFGLOR 2I FORG. +11 438
#note Had mistracked him and only had 15 seconds left so threw down whatever. Somehow it sims best.
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AAI 1F AcAI +14 366
>Morris_Greenberg: (DL) +6 372
Player 2
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