Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Will_Scott Will Scott
#player2 Arie_Sinke Arie Sinke
>Will_Scott: EFORX 9I FOERX +27 27
>Will_Scott: EFORX -- -27 0
>Arie_Sinke: AEFRTTT 8D FATTER +26 26
#note The game began rather oddly - Will opened with FOREX but missed the star. Quackle won't let me input an acceptable word getting challenged off even if it misses the star so I changed the spelling so it could get challenged off. FATTER is a fine opening play with or without my opponent's rack known.
>Will_Scott: DEFLORX D8 .OREX +30 30
>Arie_Sinke: LNNPTWZ 11C Z.N +24 50
#note Quackle thinks a number of plays that retain the Z but play the W are a bit better here. PLEW, NEWT, and WENT through the E all sim 1-2.5 points higher. I was aware that I was creating a big scoring spot from the Z (which is probably a huge part of why ZEN and ZEP sim poorly) but I wasn't in love with the other options - don't love consonant heavy racks with the Z. This is probably a slight error but at least I correctly evaluated that it's better than ZEP.
>Will_Scott: EE C11 .EE +33 63
>Arie_Sinke: CLNOPTW B12 LOWN +26 76
#note This is probably worth it but the lower scoring PLOW 9B is competitive in the sim. This creates a number of openings that I am unlikely to be able to exploit well next turn.
>Will_Scott: ?EFO A12 FrOE +61 124
>Arie_Sinke: CGIPSTU 10D .UG +10 86
#note There are few good options here. This is likely my best choice; CIPST bingos surprisingly often.
>Will_Scott: BGU I6 BU.G +10 134
>Arie_Sinke: CIIMPST E5 PIM. +16 102
#note This and a number of other options are reasonable. PICA instead of PIMA is an interesting choice; it sets up my S with SPICA on a board with few opportunities for the S; it sims very slightly higher than my play, but I'm not sure it's better.
>Will_Scott: AOP D3 APO +14 148
>Arie_Sinke: CIOSTTW 2D COW +24 126
#note I probably underestimated the liability of opening up row 1 here. Plays like WIT J5 for 16 and OWT J9 for 17 sim significantly better here despite being worse in static eval. I actually was lucky Will didn't have a high scoring response to this play.
>Will_Scott: AGIO 1F AGIO +20 168
>Arie_Sinke: IIIKSTT 2H TIKI +22 148
#note Clearly best (although TIKI with CAPOT is an interesting alternative that I didn't see.)
>Will_Scott: ?ADEEIR 6G RE.AItED +66 234
>Arie_Sinke: DEINNST M1 DESIN.NT +70 218
#note Best bingo.
>Will_Scott: AIOR 8K RA.IO +18 252
>Arie_Sinke: EMNTTUY C3 NUTTY +37 255
#note This looks best.
>Will_Scott: ABH B2 BAH +27 279
>Arie_Sinke: CELLMNS 4L M.LL +14 269
#note I have very few options here. I can get a few extra points with something like MELIC or CLIME in the same spot, but I really need a good leave to help me pull this out in a tight late game. MILL sims a bit ahead of those options.
>Will_Scott: DEI K8 .IDE +10 289
>Arie_Sinke: ACENOSV A1 VAN +26 295
#note This looks best; I score as well as possible while retaining scoring and bingo potential.
>Will_Scott: DEH L10 EDH +20 309
>Arie_Sinke: CEJOSSS 13I JOSSES +50 345
#note It looks like I win more endgames with this play than with any alternative. I do set up QUASI for 68 a lot, but I will basically always win when I get the U without the Q, and pull out a lot of endgames when I get the Q myself. The alternatives all don't score enough and can get outrun easily (including JOSS, which was my main alternative.) I should win 65-70% of the time here.
>Will_Scott: AAEIQRU O1 QUA.E +42 351
#note He has QUASI and QUASAR here for 68 or 70.
>Arie_Sinke: CLRVY N8 .VY +17 362
#note This is the best I can do.
>Will_Scott: AIR 12L .AIR +12 363
>Will_Scott: (CLR) +10 373
Player 2
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