Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jay_Levin Jay Levin
#player2 Sam_Masling Sam Masling
>Jay_Levin: FKORY 8D FORKY +38 38
>Sam_Masling: ABEEGSU F4 AUBE.GES +69 69
>Jay_Levin: IMOT D4 MOTI. +20 58
>Sam_Masling: EHIINPZ 6B ZI. +32 101
#note Maybe C5 HIP here, EHINP is really strong but a lot of 7s coming from that are probably out of my range
>Jay_Levin: BMU C2 BUM +20 78
>Sam_Masling: EGHINNP G5 PIN. +22 123
#note ING leaves are pretty strong on this board, E10 HEP looking like a significant upgrade
>Jay_Levin: AEHINRT 4B H.. +10 88
#note actual rack, missing herniate here
>Sam_Masling: DEEGGHN 11C EGG. +12 135
#note E10 HEDGE -7
>Jay_Levin: AEINNRT 9H ENTRAIN +64 152
>Sam_Masling: DEEHINQ D1 QI +25 160
#note ahh INHE(R)ED for 44
>Jay_Levin: AIR 8M AIR +13 165
>Sam_Masling: CCDEEHN L7 CH.D +25 185
#note missed CH(A)NCE, chanced

weird word to spot
>Jay_Levin: EIORV H1 VIREO +32 197
>Sam_Masling: CDDEENW K8 C.EWED +37 222
>Jay_Levin: EFLL L12 FELL +29 226
>Sam_Masling: ADENOTU 15K A.OUD +18 240
#note kinda have to block here
>Jay_Levin: ?ELORST O1 STROLlE. +74 300
#note would've been a triple triple!
>Sam_Masling: ADELNTT 12J L..T +7 247
#note I think i forget TEGGS here, this is not an easy board to open lanes on, ATTEN(DE)D looks nice
>Jay_Levin: JORU 3K JURO. +24 324
>Sam_Masling: ADEINNT B6 .IN +12 259
>Jay_Levin: APX A7 PAX +46 370
#note ow
>Sam_Masling: ADENOTW 12C WO +21 280
>Jay_Levin: ?ESTVY 13B VESTrY +46 416
>Sam_Masling: ADENNOT - +0 280
#note challenged
>Jay_Levin: AAAEIS K2 A.IS +22 438
>Sam_Masling: ADEENOT 9A .ED +26 306
>Jay_Levin: AAN 14G ANA +8 446
>Jay_Levin: (AENOT) +10 456
Player 2
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