Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Elizabeth_Davis Elizabeth Davis
#player2 ken_Rubin ken Rubin
>Elizabeth_Davis: EGNU 8G GENU +10 10
>ken_Rubin: ADEEOUX 7I AXE +23 23
>Elizabeth_Davis: AIRW 6F WAIR +18 28
>ken_Rubin: DEOPSTU L7 SPOUTED +87 110
>Elizabeth_Davis: AIQ 13J QA.I +28 56
>ken_Rubin: AAHLLVW 5B HALVA +27 137
#note Missed 5B WALLAH is best--likely because it scores 7 more points than 5B HALVA
>Elizabeth_Davis: BEN 5I BEN +16 72
>ken_Rubin: CILLOSW 8L .LOW +27 164
>Elizabeth_Davis: AEMZ 4A MAZE +56 128
>ken_Rubin: CCEFILS N10 FELSIC +53 217
>Elizabeth_Davis: IJNOT L1 JOINT +46 174
>ken_Rubin: CDHIKOU 15K CHU.K +60 277
>Elizabeth_Davis: ?GIORRS 2G RIGOR.uS +70 244
>ken_Rubin: DIIOOTU 1D IDIOT +29 306
>Elizabeth_Davis: AGL A1 GLA. +21 265
>ken_Rubin: BEMOTTU 3E BUTEO +20 326
>Elizabeth_Davis: NVY H8 .NVY +10 275
>ken_Rubin: EIMNORT 10F MO.ER +18 344
#note This was an interesting turn. I missed 11A ENORMITY (76 points) which Quackle says is best and which puts me up 127 points. The problem with ENORMITY is that it opens the triple triple line with the blank and bingo-prone tiles in the bag. Because of that, I'm not sure ENORMITY is the right play, especially because the board is mostly closed. I think C2 NIZAM for 30 points might actually be best. It puts me up 81 points without opening the board and keeping a decent bingo leave -- EORT. If Elizabeth bingoes through the V or Y, I will have a chance to bingo back. Even if I don't, I can still win in the endgame
>Elizabeth_Davis: APY 6A YAP +32 307
>ken_Rubin: ?DEINTT 12K T. +4 348
#note I don't like the two plays that Quackle fast player suggests, 11E TIDY (opens up high-scoring bingo possibilities on line 12) and A6 YETT (opens up a counter bingo playing veretically down on the B line). I actually don't mind the board the way it stands now: there aren't many bingo possibilities for Elizabeth. The ones that exist are:
By playing K12 TE (for 4 points), I am in good position to bingo next turn if she opens anything up. The only clearly bad scenario that I may not be able to recover from is if she plays 6A YEARENDS or YEARNERS -- which is not very likely (I calculate the likelihood at 1.14%)
>Elizabeth_Davis: DEF 11E DEF. +31 338
>ken_Rubin: ?DEINNT 12B INDENT +28 376
#note Quackle likes F5 AWN because it claims I bingo 100% of the time when empying the game, but I don't really understand that. I like my play of 12B INDENT because there are no bingos that Elizabeth can hit and nowhere where she can score enough points to outrun me.
Interestingly, there is also H15 NUNCHUCK for 54 points which I did not see but is definitely NOT a good play because it creates the possibility for RERAISE which would defeat me
>Elizabeth_Davis: AEEORRS 7C SORE +27 365
>ken_Rubin: ?I 14I xI +16 392
>ken_Rubin: (AER) +6 398