Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah_Walton Noah Walton
#player2 Josh Josh
>Noah_Walton: CDEINNN 8H INN +6 6
>Josh: EIPRSTZ J6 ZI. +32 32
>Noah_Walton: ACDEENQ 7H QA.D +29 35
>Josh: AEIPRST 9E PIASTER +90 122
>Noah_Walton: CEENRRS F8 S.NCERER +64 99
>Josh: ?ABEEOR L1 AEROBEs +82 204
>Noah_Walton: AEIILMU 15D AU.EI +18 117
>Josh: ABEHLOU 10J BEAU +36 240
#note K4 HAE(D) sims a few points better. Noah doesn't have the X with AUREI but opening up more spots might help him too much. #questionable
>Noah_Walton: FIJLMRX N8 FIX +59 176
>Josh: DEHILLO O3 HILLOED +104 344
>Noah_Walton: AJLMORY 14H MAJORLY +124 300
>Josh: EEGINTU 3F GENITU.E +72 416
>Noah_Walton: DEFKNTV 11K VENT +44 344
>Josh: AGILRSW H1 WI.G +30 446
>Noah_Walton: DFIKNTY M9 F..KI.Y +53 397
>Josh: AHLORST 5B HARLOTS +79 525
>Noah_Walton: ADGNOTU B1 DOUG.T +26 423
>Josh: CMOPTVW 12D CO.MPT +30 555
#note blocks the most and banks the most besides C(A)MPO 1K, seems right
>Noah_Walton: ?AADNOS D1 mONA.DAS +68 491
#note only bingo, spotted almost instantly. teach
>Noah_Walton: (EOVW) +20 511
Player 2
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