Player 1 |
#player1 Joey Joey
#player2 Ed Ed
>Joey: ABIINTU 8D NUBIA +16 16
#note MELANIN, MELANITE but not this. It just didn't register until too late.
>Joey: DEGIOST 4A GOD.IEST +63 79
#note If I challenged his play off, I'd have to choose between blocking MINEABLE or playing GODETIAS, which would give him several other bingos. In any case, the sting of a lost turn is usually worth inflicting.
>Ed: DEGIJ A1 JIG.ED +48 118
>Joey: AIIORWY C1 ROW.Y +43 122
>Ed: WZ G7 W.Z +29 147
>Joey: AAAEIIR H1 RIA.A +15 137
>Ed: CE F2 CE. +11 158
>Joey: AAEGIIO -AGIIO +0 137
>Ed: AIR 9F I.AR +20 178
>Joey: AEEEHOY -EEOY +0 137
#note I couldn't stand exchanging again, but I couldn't stand the scoring plays even more.
>Joey: AEHIMNT C9 HEMATIN +91 228
>Ed: DFO 15A FO.D +30 287
>Joey: NORSUVY 6J .URVY +21 249
>Ed: DEEPRTT 12B P.TTERED +74 361
>Joey: BIKNOOS A8 BOOKS +49 298
>Ed: EGOO N2 GOOE. +18 379
>Joey: EINNSTV 11I INVENTS +73 371
>Ed: ?IQU O11 .QUId +69 448
>Joey: AEFHOTX L3 THO.AX +48 419
#note FOREX apparently does a point better, but it requires him seeing PHALLI.
>Ed: ?ALLPU M9 PA.eL +18 466
>Joey: EF O3 EF +20 439
>Joey: (LU) +4 443