Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Evan Evan
#player2 Joey Joey
>Evan: AHIRY H4 HAIRY +30 30
>Joey: CGJORTU 5E JUG. +24 24
>Evan: BDILU G8 BUILD +16 46
>Joey: CFOORTY H10 FOOTY +23 47
#note Missed CORODY.
>Evan: LMOO 6C LOOM +31 77
>Joey: CDILORS I3 COLD +31 78
#note COLLOIDS is pretty cool, but I liked this to set up my S.
>Evan: ANPT 7B PANT +22 99
>Joey: AAEILRS 2I AERIALS +76 154
>Evan: ERX 8A REX +44 143
>Joey: DFINRSU L1 F.ND +24 178
#note Alas, no W for WINDSURF.
>Evan: AEUV F12 UVEA +13 156
>Joey: IINRSTU 15A NUTRI. +21 199
>Evan: OPT K4 OPT +13 169
>Joey: ABEISST N1 B.ASTIES +62 261
>Evan: DNOW O7 DOWN +33 202
>Joey: AAEEGIZ N10 AGAZE +38 299
>Evan: AEGM O12 GAME +47 249
>Joey: ?EEEIIO O1 O.E +23 322
>Evan: NQVW -NQVW +0 249
>Joey: ?EEIIIN I12 NEE +17 339
>Evan: K 10F K.. +20 269
>Joey: ?CEIIIR D11 ICIE. +14 353
#note I should probably play OPTIC K4 just in case he has ESQUIRE.
>Evan: ?EEIRST L6 EERIeST +66 335
>Joey: ?HINRVW J13 WHa +39 392
>Evan: Q 13C Q. +22 357
>Evan: (INRV) +14 371
Player 2
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