Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Evan Evan
#player2 Joey Joey
>Evan: AIILM H4 MILIA +20 20
>Joey: EEGHRTV G3 VEG +18 18
>Evan: AY 6H .AY +14 34
>Joey: EEEHHRT 7G H.REE +21 39
>Evan: AELNRT 8J ANTLER +29 63
>Joey: ?AEHSTU N7 T.AHoUSE +86 125
#note A bit dangerous, but it scores a lot more than anything else, including the lovely HOUSEMATE.
>Evan: AINUX 13I AUXIN. +28 91
>Joey: BEIKNRZ L11 BR.NK +32 157
>Evan: AOPU M6 PU.AO +20 111
>Joey: AEFIOYZ 12F FOZY +34 191
#note Not crazy about keeping three vowels, but there weren't a lot of great Z plays.
>Evan: DEIPW 13C WIPED +36 147
>Joey: AACEIIM 14J MI.A. +34 225
>Evan: EGOOS B10 GOOSE +32 179
>Joey: ACEIILS 15B SILICAE +87 312
#note At first I was annoyed that he blocked LAICISE, but then I found this, which of course isn't a word.
>Evan: Q D12 Q. +22 201
>Joey: ?DGNOOT 11J GO. +12 324
>Evan: BDO C9 BOD +15 216
>Joey: ?DENOTW D8 WOT +18 342
>Evan: NOTU L3 UNTO +12 228
>Joey: ?CDENNT 3K D.NCE +16 358
>Evan: EEILRST E2 STERILE +69 297
>Joey: ?ENRRTV O1 EV.RT +27 385
>Evan: ADFIJ 4B JAD. +24 321
>Joey: ?NR 5A NoR +12 397
>Joey: (FI) +10 407
Player 2
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