Player 1 |
#player1 Sam Sam
#player2 Bruce_D'Ambrosio Bruce D'Ambrosio
#note An inauspicious start to the tournament, to be sure. I really did think this was the anagram of TOOTERS.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: ADO 7G ODA +15 15
>Sam: ?ENORRY 6I ORNERY +22 88
#note An even more inauspicious start. Here I miss hERONRY, which I didn't know. This isn't even a good nonbingo play...TRY would have been fine, keeping a way more bingo-prone leave.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: AAEGHIR E8 .HIA +14 29
>Sam: ?CEHLRU K4 LU.CHERs +98 186
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: ADIJ 8K .ADJI +51 80
>Sam: ?AEIPTT 4G TInP.ATE +70 256
#note Figured it was safer and more likely to be challenged than TRIPTAnE.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: AFNW 3L FAWN +34 114
>Sam: EORTUUX 10K .OUX +27 283
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: Q O7 Q. +11 125
>Sam: AEERTUW 2M WAE +32 315
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: DEGO H1 DOG.E +21 146
>Sam: BEFNRTU D11 FUB +21 336
#note I figured I had a good chance to bingo again.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: ABEINST 14B BASINET +81 227
>Sam: DEMNRST 15A MED +25 361
#note Quackle's favorite is MEND 13G, which cuts down a little on 15H plays. I didn't like blocking the FUBSY hook, since there's a chance he doesn't know it anyway. This wasn't bad anyway, as I have a good chance of bingoing, but MEND is probably better. I even considered MEND O1 on this play, but that seemed stupid.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: IVY 15H IVY +33 260
>Sam: GNORSST O1 G..S +29 390
#note When I told Bruce about my rack here, he made a comment implying that I could have gotten away with STRONGS* 6A had I played it.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: IPU 11M PIU +18 278
>Sam: AGNORST C2 GRANTO.S +72 462
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: IKL 6E ILK +16 294
>Sam: AEEIMRV 14J MAVIE +45 507
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: EEILNNO D4 LO +10 304
>Sam: CELRZ 2F CR.ZE +24 531
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: EEINN F8 .IN +14 318
>Sam: L M13 L. +4 535
>Sam: (EEN) +6 541