Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Mike_T Mike T
#player2 Carl Carl
>Mike_T: DEZ 8G ZED +26 26
>Carl: AHILLTU J7 HAUL +23 23
#note Several plays sim closely here, including THULIA J3 and LATHI J7. LATHI squeaks out the win. (-1.5)
>Mike_T: ARV 9F VAR +21 47
>Carl: ?FIILNT H1 aNTILIF.. +86 109
#note I also saw FILTERING, INFERTILE, and INTERFILE. However, I missed (and did not really know) INFLICTER (-0.5).
>Mike_T: X G8 ..X +19 66
>Carl: AALOOTT 3H .ATTOO +14 123
#note VOLTA wins the sim easily here. I never saw or considered it. (-6.5)
>Mike_T: BOPR 4L PROB +32 98
>Carl: AGLLOTW O1 GLO. +21 144
#note GLOBAL (-6)
>Mike_T: EIN F9 .EIN +20 118
>Carl: AILNTTW 5J WITAN +26 170
>Mike_T: CEEIIRS 12B EIRE.ICS +76 194
>Carl: ?CDLNTU C9 CUN.T +20 190
>Mike_T: EKS - +0 194
>Carl: ?AADELV H12 .AVA +27 217
#note There are so many Es left to draw that CAVE H12 sims a little better. (-3) I would have thought that keeping an E with the D would be preferrable.
>Mike_T: EKS E10 SK.E +38 232
>Carl: ?DEELNP K9 PaNELED +73 290
>Mike_T: BDEOR L8 BORED +37 269
>Carl: GGIMRTU 8L .RIG +21 311
#note I decided against BURG because the R is a more dangerous floater; additionally the Q is still out. The sim winner is J14 MI, keeping GGRTU. In hindsight, that looks pretty solid, making it harder to either bingo or score on column 15. (-3)
>Mike_T: EFIY 15K .EIFY +39 308
>Carl: EGMOTUW 14M GEM +32 343
>Mike_T: AD J13 AD +16 324
>Carl: EMNOTUW 2F WO.T +17 360
#note Quackle plays the very Nigelian UNWON 2D, which is better than it looks: Mike never held the Q when he played AD, else QAID 6F.
>Mike_T: O 7H .O. +14 338
>Carl: AEJMNSU 4G J.N +13 373
#note I thought I was being clever here. Given Mike's last two plays, he was unlikely to hold the Q, so there is a roughly 50% chance that I will draw it, getting MASQUE 1A. Mike could be fishing for RISQUE 1A, but that being the case, he would have played QUID or QAID 6F instead of AD. Despite all this, Quackle just goes with JASMINE 4D, which I did not see. Notice that if I draw the Q after JASMINE, I threaten SUQ F4. (-9)
>Mike_T: AEIORSY 1A ARIOSE +26 364
>Carl: AEHMQSU 3A MASQUE +40 413
#note I was like 98% sure on MASQUE, but I would have hated to lose the game over it. I thought about playing something decisive like QUAG. And yet, spread is important, and one can't always worry about monsters under the bed.
>Mike_T: UY - +0 364
#note From Mike's perspective, he needs to challenge unless he is 100% sure.
>Carl: H M2 H... +7 420
#note After QUAG, I win by 3. After MASQUE, 66. This time, a small risk made a pretty big difference. Hopefully I can remember that the next time I lose the challenge and the game.
>Carl: (UY) +10 430