Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joey Joey
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Joey: AEHIJLR 8D HIJRA +38 38
#note This time I'm ready for the H hook!
>Jackson: EEFIMPV 9A FIVE +19 19
>Joey: DEILQSV B8 Q. +11 49
#note I never noticed SHEQEL. Still, this was a pretty strong leave and it at least partially obstructed the F.
>Jackson: BEIMPUY F8 .UMPY +25 44
>Joey: DEILNSV 12C VIN.L +22 71
>Jackson: BEIIMNR A9 .IBRINE +39 83
#note Not a word, but it gave me a great comeback.
>Joey: DEEGSTU 14A .UTSEDGE +78 149
#note Of course I had GUESTED, which sounds like a double past tense. But then he would have BERIMING! Not that I could know that...
>Jackson: AEEIMOZ 15H MAIZE +63 146
>Joey: ??CDELS M9 CuDdLES +89 238
#note Dumb luck is so valuable in an event like this.
>Jackson: DEGOOSW 12K WO.GE +18 164
>Joey: ABHOSTT O8 BATH. +30 268
>Jackson: ADNOOST G2 DONATO.S +65 229
>Joey: AINNOST 5D SON.TINA +82 350
#note This somehow still fits at H1. Not often a double-double with all 1-pointers scores less than a boring old TWS.
>Jackson: IILNPRU 4A PURI +22 251
>Joey: AEEOTTW 2B WOTTE. +24 374
>Jackson: EILNOOR 1A ROLE +25 276
>Joey: ADEKRUX J2 DRU.K +24 398
#note UNAXED and KEDDAH are pretty cool. This was just good enough.
>Jackson: CFINOOY 11I FOO +22 298
>Joey: AAEEGLX 11D GA.E +23 421
>Jackson: AACINRY 3I A.NICA +18 316
>Joey: AEELX L1 AX.L +24 445
>Jackson: RY 14L Y.R +17 333
>Jackson: (EE) +4 337
Player 2
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