Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joey Joey
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Joey: AHNNOPR 8F PHON +18 18
#note I almost played HARPON*, which looks like HARPIN. ORPHAN is the real word, but I prefer PHON.
>Jackson: IQS J6 QIS +42 42
>Joey: AGGINRT H5 GAR.TING +62 80
>Jackson: ITW K5 WIT +25 67
>Joey: ?AAENOZ L1 ZONAE +53 133
>Jackson: ADSTU M1 ADUST +38 105
>Joey: ?ABEERX N5 AX +32 165
>Jackson: AIKT O6 IKAT +33 138
>Joey: ?BEEEOR 7M EE. +18 183
>Jackson: OO 9F OO. +14 152
>Joey: ?BEJORR 6C JERBO. +21 204
>Jackson: EIORSU 11E URI.OSE +28 180
>Joey: ?ACGLLR D3 ALL.RGiC +74 278
#note I almost missed this as I was searching for ways to fish off GL, hoping for ALCAZARS.
>Jackson: EEMN 12B NEEM +16 196
>Joey: ?ACFOTW 13A WAFT +34 312
>Jackson: BENT 1J BE..NT +51 247
>Joey: ?CDEHOU 14A OH +27 339
#note HOCUSED is always tricky for me, no pun intended.
>Jackson: AMPVY 2F VAMPY +46 293
>Joey: ?CDEEIU 12K DEUCE +21 360
>Jackson: AIRV N10 VI.AR +36 329
>Joey: ?DEEFIY O12 .YED +31 391
>Jackson: DILNOSU 3G DUOS +30 359
>Joey: ?EFIILR 1G FE +37 428
>Jackson: ILN 8A LIN. +15 374
>Jackson: (IILR?) +8 382
Player 2
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