Player 1 |
#player1 Cree Cree
#player2 Kenji Kenji
>Cree: GKLNO 8D KLONG +30 30
>Kenji: AACESTT E8 .ACTATES +70 70
#note Against Cree I want an open board; exactly what LACTATES doesn't achieve. Even though Quackle seems to like LACTATES, I don't. (-4)
>Cree: ADEGIRS G3 GRADI.ES +64 94
>Kenji: EEIOPTU 15C PI.TOU +27 97
>Cree: BEGINW 4F B.EWING +28 122
>Kenji: EEIIOTT 10E .E.TOI +12 109
>Cree: HMO 14B HOM. +26 148
>Kenji: CDEIIOT J8 ID.OTIC +16 125
#note Onomatopoeia. Missed the D hook entirely, lol. IODIC is best. (-11)
>Cree: BELRV 12A VERB.L +30 178
>Kenji: AEEERTU 5C AURE.TE +25 150
#note EUREKA is slightly better (-2)
>Cree: NZ 13I Z.N +22 200
>Kenji: ?EEIMRX L7 REMIXEs +94 244
>Cree: OPSW M1 WOPS +32 232
>Kenji: EEHOSUY K2 HO.EY +22 266
#note I prefer WYE in hindsight. Though I'm afraid of the L and the blank, there isn't much of a future playing HONEY, and there's no need to race. There aren't a lot of bad things that can happen at line 2.
>Cree: AEILUVY N2 FA +24 256
>Kenji: EFNQSUV O1 EF +24 290
#note I think I prefer EVEN. I can't let Cree dick around with L?, create diversions on the right side of the board and then hit LAUREATE. I need to take a stand now. (-3)
>Cree: ?AILNOR B3 AILeRON +64 320
#note This is the type of play that makes me cringe. Turns the game into a luckbox race to the J. Could I have the J? It's quite likely from his view...
>Kenji: AANQSUV A1 QUA +38 328
#note SUQ is light years better, even though I'm still sunk. I need to give myself some chance at least. (-20)
>Cree: AJY A8 JAY +68 388
>Kenji: ALNRSUV 11I R.U. +24 352
>Cree: DDEIN 4A D.N +24 412
>Kenji: ALNSV D4 S.N +16 368
>Cree: DEI 8L .IDE +15 427
>Cree: (ALV) +12 439