Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Emmett Emmett
#player2 Ken_Kansey Ken Kansey
>Emmett: EFHLORS H7 FOH +18 18
>Ken_Kansey: IQ G6 QI +18 18
>Emmett: BEEELRS F7 REBEL +15 33
#note I8 EEL sims best because it gives so much less back. For what it's worth, this REBEL is better than the 16 point one. #tacticssad
>Ken_Kansey: MM I8 MM +23 41
>Emmett: EEEIOSS 12D OES +14 47
>Ken_Kansey: CGIOR C9 CORGI +27 68
>Emmett: ?AEEIIS -EII +0 47
#note Sims best, but ex. AEI is comparable.
>Ken_Kansey: RU 9C .UR. +8 76
>Emmett: ?AENSTY 10B Y.N +16 63
#note Didn't know 14B ASThENY and didn't find J8 AmNESTY. About a 15 point mistake. #knowledgesadder #findingsaddest
>Ken_Kansey: AOR J6 ORA +10 86
>Emmett: ?AESSTT K8 STATErS +68 131
#note Mixed up the CORGI plurals. 14A vASTEST #visionsaddest
>Ken_Kansey: AEGL L10 GALE +20 106
>Emmett: AGINOTV M13 VOG +24 155
>Ken_Kansey: ACINORT M4 CORTINA +65 171
#note Big miss of OMASA here.
>Emmett: AIIILNT 4I ILIA. +14 169
#note 14D INITIAL(S). Brutal brutal brutal unforgivable. Remarkably shitty. Content SAcRO(ILIAC) in play though. #findingsaddest
>Ken_Kansey: AHY 3G YAH +26 197
>Emmett: DIIKNTX N14 XI +39 208
>Ken_Kansey: WZ K3 W.Z +30 227
>Emmett: DIJKLNT 8M .LK +21 229
#note I probably need to play more than 2 tiles here with OO unseen. ILK is pretty good, but gets edged out by 14G JINK(S) and crushed by F2 KNIT. #tacticssadder
>Ken_Kansey: EENPRSU 14D PURENES. +64 291
>Emmett: ADDIJNT H11 DJI.N +63 292
>Ken_Kansey: ADIW 15A WADI +32 323
>Emmett: ADDEFIT F2 FADE +26 318
#note OO is still unseen, so I go for turnover. 2D DEFAT does that better. #findingsadder
>Ken_Kansey: ENU 4D NU.E +15 338
>Emmett: DEIPTTT 15M ..P +18 336
#note I need to block the O bomb, as something like O13 VOE ends the game on the spot. Turns out I'm right to keep three Ts, score higher, and hope for a miracle blank draw.
>Ken_Kansey: OV H1 OV. +18 356
#note Ken said after the game that he saw I had three Ts and stopped looking to see if I could bingo.
>Emmett: ?DEITTT 1G D.TTIEsT +59 395
#note Miracle achieved.
>Emmett: (ABEENOU) +18 413