Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Evan_Yurko Evan Yurko
#player2 Ken_Louie Ken Louie
>Evan_Yurko: IIIIISX -IIIII +0 0
#note didnt write down the rack
>Ken_Louie: AEGLV 8D GAVEL +22 22
>Evan_Yurko: CDEISTX 9G XI +36 36
>Ken_Louie: AIMP 10H PIMA +19 41
>Evan_Yurko: CDEOSTU E4 COUT.DES +94 130
>Evan_Yurko: CDEOSTU -- -94 36
#note not sure why i did this. I know Ken doesn't really know words so thought i could trick him here and instead he held for a bery long time before challenging. Gross. Stop being so greedy and just play scouted for 20 fewer
>Ken_Louie: ?AEINNR D6 AR.INiNE +66 107
>Evan_Yurko: CDEOSTU 7H SCOUTED +70 106
#note Didnt want to give ken easy scoring spots with scouted 7g and wasnt sure of argininines cuz a lot of the -INE words don't take s's
>Ken_Louie: GOOP 11K GOOP +20 127
>Evan_Yurko: EFNNORW 12L FROW +44 150
#note maybe frown 12i for 6 fewer is worth it
>Ken_Louie: IQ C9 QI +44 171
>Evan_Yurko: AEEEINN O12 .INE +21 171
#note idk why i chickened out of ween
>Ken_Louie: EH C12 EH +22 193
>Evan_Yurko: AEENOSV E4 VOE +14 185
#note maybe novae
>Ken_Louie: EW 8N EW +18 211
>Evan_Yurko: AEENSSY B10 YE +27 212
>Ken_Louie: ?AEGILR 15H ALGERIn. +77 288
#note idk why he wouldnt play nargile/ayin
>Evan_Yurko: ADELNSS 9G ..S +14 226
#note unlucky sendals doesnt play, but you have to play eland here
>Ken_Louie: ACDERT A10 TRACED +39 327
#note i think he said he held an e here and chickened out of ayin.
>Evan_Yurko: AADELNS 4C LA.A +14 240
>Ken_Louie: ANTU M3 ATUN. +10 337
>Ken_Louie: ANTU -- -10 327
>Evan_Yurko: BDEFNSY C3 F.Y +18 258
#note i completely forgot about flava
>Ken_Louie: ANTU 3F TUNA +8 335
>Evan_Yurko: BDKNOOS H1 BO.K +45 303
>Ken_Louie: ADEH 4H .HEDA +31 366
>Evan_Yurko: DINOSUU 10M DUN +17 320
#note untraced or outraced. SO many consonants out here that i thought IOUS gave me the best shot at drawing a bingo thru the B
>Ken_Louie: M M10 ...M +14 380
#note He said he was far more concerned about hte oft lane than the 1 row through the b, even though theres only 1 e lest and it wouldnt even score that much
>Evan_Yurko: BIORSTU 1H .ITURBOS +89 409
#note incredibly lukcy in so many facets
>Ken_Louie: ILNOSTZ 3L ZIN +35 415
#note he has a few wins here, including this
>Evan_Yurko: EIJRT J6 J.T +26 435
>Ken_Louie: LOST O3 SLOT +18 433
#note but lucky for me he went over time so i won
>Ken_Louie: (EIR) +6 439
#note 18-12 -45
Player 2
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