Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Kramer Kramer
#player2 Kenji Kenji
>Kramer: AGIKNTT 8G WING +16 16
>Kenji: CGHLORU F6 GROUCH +31 31
#note Wasn't positive on CLOUGH, though I thought about it. (-2)
>Kramer: EPW 11E P.EW +24 40
>Kenji: EEEEFLT 12G FEEL +19 50
#note I like the defensiveness of FEEL, but FEE is still better (-2)
>Kramer: ILV J10 VI.L +15 55
>Kenji: ACEEOTY 13J .YCEA +20 70
#note Quackle prefers OY, but I don't much like it. ORATE seems reasonable, but I like my play.
>Kramer: IIMNRST N8 MISTR.IN +74 129
>Kenji: AEEOPTT O4 PETTO +42 112
#note Missed TEAPOT (-3)
>Kramer: ANOSY 15J ANYO.S +39 168
>Kenji: ?AEGIRX M9 XI +36 148
>Kramer: ?ADIOOR 6D RI.ADOOn +61 229
>Kenji: ?AEGIRS 13A GlAIRES +73 221
#note Missed GASIfIER, although it's not that great of a play either. (-2)
>Kramer: AEEQRTT 5J JETE +33 262
>Kenji: BILLORU L1 BUIL. +20 241
>Kramer: AAHNQRT A12 A.EE +18 280
>Kenji: AELNNOR 1L .ORN +18 259
>Kramer: DENTU E3 UNT.ED +27 307
>Kenji: AELMNSU D12 L.MN +14 273
#note The odds of me bingoing next turn are relatively low, especially if Jim blocks next turn, which he probably is going to do. On the other hand, I won't necessarily win if I draw the Q, and ZEALS will play at b10 either way. It's a pretty close decision, especially against this player, but I think that MU is slightly better. However, this was a more than reasonable attempt (-3)
>Kramer: DIKOQTV 3J QA.D +28 335
>Kenji: AEKOSUZ H1 ZOUKE. +75 348
>Kenji: AEKOSUZ -- -75 273
#note Despite Quackle's estimation, my chances of winning with ZEALS here is very bad against Kramer. Regardless, I obviously should've tried to win that way instead. I thought that this had about a 10% chance of being valid, and that I had a fold equity of about 5%. ZEALS wins about 8% of the time, in my estimation against Jim's possible holdings, and that includes his screwup equity. Not a pretty spot. Still, maybe I can hit OVERBORN or DUCKY and an outplay or something ridiculously lucky. Spread: -79; Adjusted because of extra equity and taking into account thoughts, but still since the play was stupid: -19
>Kramer: FHIOT B11 FI.TH +31 366
>Kenji: AEKOSUZ 4C ZO.A +26 299
>Kramer: AABDORV C1 BRA.A +32 398
>Kenji: EKSU 15D .UKES +27 326
>Kenji: (DOV) +14 340
Player 2
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