Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Julia_Bogle Julia Bogle
#player2 Evan_Yurko Evan Yurko
>Julia_Bogle: LPRU 8G PURL +12 12
>Evan_Yurko: CIKNNQR H7 Q.IN +13 13
#note no way im ever playing quick over quin here, especially against julia
>Julia_Bogle: AJSY 11E JAYS +42 54
>Evan_Yurko: CIKNNRR I6 KI.N +25 38
#note after a long sim karn is 10 points better #strategymedium
>Julia_Bogle: Z F10 Z. +31 85
>Evan_Yurko: ACENORR 12B ARCO +21 59
#note I totally spaced that narco was good...until later. PREY G8 is best. SIm still likes arco better than narco but prey sims 5 poitns better
#Strategymedium #knowledgesaddest
>Julia_Bogle: DEEGNR 13E GENDER +21 106
#note and then she misses narco too...curious
>Evan_Yurko: EENNNRS H13 .EN +12 71
#note #findinglarge #knowkledgesaddest #strategylarge
>Julia_Bogle: ABEG 15D BEGA. +11 117
>Evan_Yurko: EINNORS F13 .N. +6 77
#note purloiner is great
>Julia_Bogle: BEV J11 VE.B +15 132
>Evan_Yurko: EINOORS A6 EROSION +82 159
#note I took like 4 mins on this turn and was pissed she blocked my double double. Finally i saw narco and then wrote it down a few times and just realized it was good. When i slapped it down she said "What took you so long"
>Julia_Bogle: EHT B5 THE +29 161
>Evan_Yurko: AADITWX 12I D.WAX +35 194
>Julia_Bogle: DDI 13L DID +31 192
>Evan_Yurko: EGIIMOT C7 MIG +19 213
#note probably just mote against julia. wanna make her decision difficult. this is terrible. vog or veg are options i didnt consier #findingsaddest
>Julia_Bogle: OU N13 .UO +8 200
>Evan_Yurko: AEEIORT O12 ROTE +29 242
#note wonder if she would accept etaerio#
>Julia_Bogle: AEEIRST D2 AERIEST +75 275
>Evan_Yurko: AAACEI J2 AECIA +19 261
#note Didnt write down my last tile but remeber my decision being remarkably easy. I think based on my next rack it mustve been a t or an o
>Julia_Bogle: FOT C1 OFT +21 296
>Evan_Yurko: AFMOOTU 1A FO. +18 279
#note Never came close to finding factum #findinglarge
>Julia_Bogle: HILLU 4J .ULL +12 308
#note she laid down chill and unfortunately for me took it back. oaty/chilly would have been nice
>Evan_Yurko: AMOTTUY K3 M.TT +27 306
>Julia_Bogle: HIL M2 HI.L +14 322
>Evan_Yurko: AAIOUWY 11J .AW +35 341
>Julia_Bogle: ??EPSV 1M SEV +26 348
>Evan_Yurko: AIOUY 14J .UY +19 360
#note underscored myself by 20 here---i think my 159 looks like a 139 and so i did the math wrong from there. At least that didnt cost me the game.
>Julia_Bogle: ??P 6M sPy +17 365
>Julia_Bogle: (AIO) +6 371
#note posted score of 371-339
1-1 +129
Player 2
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