Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Sharmain_Farni Sharmain Farni
#player2 James_Donnelly James Donnelly
>Sharmain_Farni: AADDOYZ - +0 0
#note Exchange 3
>James_Donnelly: EENOOPT 8F OPE +10 10
#note Since it's so close, I think it's a stylistic choice between OPE and POTEEN.I chose this since I don't want to give floaters to an Ex. 3 and I have two front hooks to OPE.
>Sharmain_Farni: ?EJNORT E5 JOiNTER +108 108
>James_Donnelly: EENNOQT 7D Q. +10 20
#note Maybe F2 TENON, but I have to bingo soon and the Q ain't helping with that.
>Sharmain_Farni: OX F5 OX +59 167
>James_Donnelly: AEENNOT 7H NEONATE +61 81
>Sharmain_Farni: ?DENRTW N1 WiNTER.D +76 243
>James_Donnelly: BCEFTTV F10 FET +29 110
#note Possibly O8 EFT? It doesn't really matter at this point.
>Sharmain_Farni: ERY 6I RYE +31 274
>James_Donnelly: BCFGOTV 4F COFT +25 135
#note Maybe G3 VOG to open a bit? I dislike keeping 4 clulnky consonant though.
>Sharmain_Farni: IIN 8L NI.I +23 297
>James_Donnelly: ABGILOV 1L BO.L +36 171
>Sharmain_Farni: AIIL 9I ILIA +8 305
>James_Donnelly: AEEGIPV 13C VAPE +25 196
#note Somehow 13G GIVE sims best while I'm not holding an O? I guess AEP does well on this board.
>Sharmain_Farni: RTU H1 TUR. +21 326
>James_Donnelly: DEGIMNV 14D MIDGE +34 230
#note Simply G11 VID holds pretty well into this decent board. I also sets up an E lane with VIDE
>Sharmain_Farni: DEIMRUZ 15H MU +24 350
>James_Donnelly: DDNSSUV 5K DUN.S +20 250
#note 5K DUD(E)S obviously.
>Sharmain_Farni: ILW 1E WIL. +7 357
>James_Donnelly: ACHISVY 15A CHIA +36 286
#note With 2 S's in the pool, 15A CHIAS for 8 more seems fine.
>Sharmain_Farni: AGG 13H GAG +12 369
>James_Donnelly: ABEISVY K9 .VY +18 304
#note Too defeated rn, 2B VIBES just for the equity looks nice.
>Sharmain_Farni: AKO 2J KOA +21 390
>James_Donnelly: ABEHIOS L11 OBEAH +33 337
#note Either this or 3J ASHI(N)E
>Sharmain_Farni: LRU 15L .URL +21 411
>James_Donnelly: AAEIIRS 2A RAISE +15 352
#note Probably just 3H (R)EAIS and let 2C ZED happen
>Sharmain_Farni: DESSZ C1 S.ZED +30 441
>James_Donnelly: AI 3H .AI +13 365
>James_Donnelly: (S) +2 367
Player 2
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