Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 joey_kraftchick joey kraftchick
#player2 josh_sokol josh sokol
>joey_kraftchick: BDEGJOU H4 JUDGE +44 44
>josh_sokol: AEEHINR 9F HERNIAE +77 77
>joey_kraftchick: BCGIORU 8K BOURG +34 78
>josh_sokol: AEELRYZ 4H .EEZLY +50 127
#note came close to missing this
>joey_kraftchick: CEIINRT O1 RECITIN. +86 164
>josh_sokol: AAABOOR K2 BA.OO +32 159
>joey_kraftchick: ADDFOOR 8A DORADO +32 196
>josh_sokol: AAEGIRS N5 AGA. +20 179
#note wondered between AGAR and GAR mostly, thought about AG instead of GAR to leave the extra lane open given Joey's tendencies, but AGAR seemed to do most of the right things.
>joey_kraftchick: AEFLPTT 10I AFT +34 230
>josh_sokol: AEEILRS A1 REALISE. +80 259
>joey_kraftchick: ELNNPTX D4 EXPL.NT +32 262
>josh_sokol: ?CEIOSV 1A .EVOICeS +89 348
#note saw this and VISCOSE for the same amount with EXPLANTS. COSTIVE is there too. I quickly realized it was not worth setting up the 12 row and definitely worth blocking the R of REALISED.
>joey_kraftchick: INPQRSW F1 .INQ +17 279
>josh_sokol: AAFINTW C3 TWA +26 374
#note quackle likes 11K TWAIN the most. Doubt that's the best play. This keeps things nice and solid and minimizes counterplay.
>joey_kraftchick: INOPRSW 11D SWOP +35 314
>josh_sokol: AFILMNT J2 AM.NT +27 401
#note should maybe do LAMENT instead. Never saw that somehow. At first I considered B1 (E)FT, then considered FILM 12F, then this. I wanted to leave 7 in the bag, thought I had very good chances of outrunning. On second thought, LAMENT is likely worse since it's harder to play against 6 in the bag if he doesn't bingo. With 7-in-bag, I have a very good chance of not needing to empty the bag next turn and outrunning bingos. (E)LF B1 is a nice bonus, since it scores while only playing off 2. Quackle prefers B1 (E)FT or (E)LF now, and it makes me wonder whether it matters to prevent the possibility of 2 bingos, or if playing short and keeping on scoring is the right choice. #questionable
>joey_kraftchick: IKNORTV 12F KINO +19 333
>josh_sokol: FHILSUY 13I FISHY +45 446
#note easier than I thought to win this. I think Joey played too fast again. 5C (AX)IS is 38, could be best. Perhaps if Joey had S? and played AXES or AXIS last turn, it would have put a bit of a damper into the value I perceive behind my previous play. This probably isn't optimal, but I was happy to take a sure win.
>joey_kraftchick: ?DEMRTV 14F VERT +21 354
#note right idea, but swapping the E for the blank is best by a point. This concept comes up pretty frequently, but is one of the toughest things to get right in endgames.
>josh_sokol: EILUU F1 ....UE +19 465
>joey_kraftchick: ?DM 14L MoD +21 375
#note with the real E, this scores 3 more.
>joey_kraftchick: (ILU) +6 381
Player 2
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