Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Joey_Krafchick Joey Krafchick
#player2 Ian_Weinstein Ian Weinstein
>Joey_Krafchick: ACDEEIV H4 CAVIE +26 26
>Ian_Weinstein: DEJS 5G J.DES +26 26
>Joey_Krafchick: ADEIORV G8 AVOIDER +68 94
>Ian_Weinstein: AAAINPS 15D PAISANA +98 124
>Joey_Krafchick: EFHLSTU K2 FLU.HEST +64 158
>Ian_Weinstein: EEW 6J W.EE +31 155
>Joey_Krafchick: AAGMNPR N6 PANGRAM +89 247
>Ian_Weinstein: ILMO O12 MOIL +36 191
>Joey_Krafchick: EEOORTT F10 TOOT +17 264
>Ian_Weinstein: EIQU D11 EQUI. +32 223
>Joey_Krafchick: ?EENRRU L9 ENdURER +66 330
>Ian_Weinstein: FG 4J F.G +23 246
>Joey_Krafchick: CDELNST 14J DE.T +16 346
#note Took a while on this many variables. The J14 Z spot is really a problem, obviously. I initially like CT(E)N(OI)D since it blocks somewhat and scores somewhat, but with both blanks out the C is actually going to score decent if he hits the spot, and obviously the T is still dangling for something....on the other hand, bingoes overlapping the E in equip wont score much. I saw NEST(E)D at M2, but wanted to keep the case S.
Earlier, I was so excited that he gave me a spot for PANGRAM that I forgot to track that move...I thought there were 2 more E's in the pool than there actually were, so I thought this play was a bit safer than it actually was, figuring I'll draw vowels to survive....obviously I want to take the Z spot out now since he can outrun me if he hits the spot, and then bingoes over on the C column, since it's hard to address....After DE(E)T, I felt the most comfortable....I think NESTED is fine since it's 31, that's probably the best play and if I had tracked those E's earlier I think I make that play.
>Ian_Weinstein: ?GNNORT C5 RONTGeN +62 308
>Joey_Krafchick: CIILNRS O1 RICINS +41 387
>Ian_Weinstein: ABTWY B10 BAWTY +50 358
>Joey_Krafchick: EEHKLOY B1 KEYHOLE +96 483
#note Got excited again that he somehow didn't block this, failed to play it at A6!!!
>Ian_Weinstein: ABDILUX A7 BUD +23 381
>Joey_Krafchick: IOOZ 5B ..ZO +26 509
>Ian_Weinstein: AILX J9 AXIL +30 411
>Ian_Weinstein: (IO) +4 415