Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Carl Carl
#player2 Noah Noah
>Carl: ?HNNORU 8D UNsHORN +70 70
>Noah: ?BDEHLS I3 HaLBE.DS +70 70
#note I missed bingos through the U here, one of which is very nice. Playing there seems much better.
>Carl: AEEOORT H1 TOEA +22 92
>Noah: ADENNTU E4 UNTA.NED +86 156
>Carl: EER F8 .ERE +14 106
#note I wrote down "EORF" for Carl's leave here, but that's almost certainly not what he had. EORS seems plausible.
>Noah: CFIJLNT 6B JIL. +27 183
>Carl: EIORRSW 7G OW. +18 124
>Noah: CEEFINT H10 INFECT +47 230
>Carl: EIILRRS 12F RI. +10 134
>Noah: EIIOPRY J5 OY +30 260
>Carl: CEILRSX D1 ILEX +42 176
#note The sim prefers playing on column K here. I wonder if Carl reasoned that this preserves column K while only taking out the weak O and some redundant bingos with the T. I don't know if that's wrong, though column K looks fairly bingo-weak as well. LEX K3 seems advantageous due to a better leave, while ILEX K2 appears a bit more scoring defensive than this.
>Noah: DEEIIPR K3 RIPE +30 290
#note I think I noticed EPEIRIC very quickly when thinking on Carl's turn, but probably ended up playing RIPE pretty quickly, choosing it over RIPED, but EPEIRIC might be the thematic and correct play, as it eats up a lot of short- and long- term bingo chances and creates a board with a lot of chances for middling scores. Perhaps RIPE is worth playing in some tournament situations, for spread.
>Carl: CKNQRSW -KNQW +0 176
#note CINQ might be better, though I'm not sure about keeping KRSW here. Report: 4p/5444its CINQ 2.34/29.3 -KNQW 1.76/16.6
>Noah: DDEEIIY 14F DI.EY +23 313
#note I didn't see EYELID, but this seems better.
>Carl: ACORSUU 1H .URACOUS +89 265
>Noah: ADEIMSZ 15J AZIDES +56 369
#note This was tricky. I mainly considered MAIZE and MAZED, also looking at NAM. LEZ is another option.
>Carl: AGIMQRT C1 QAT +41 306
>Noah: AELMOSW 14L MOW +33 402
>Carl: GGIIMRV 10B GIV.. +13 319
>Noah: AAEGLSV O1 .ALVAGES +98 500
>Carl: AEGIMOR 13K GAMER +39 358
>Noah: AFKOPTT B2 PAK +31 531
#note I missed KAMI - PAK 12J is the play.
>Carl: BINO K9 BOIN. +16 374
>Carl: (FOTT) +14 388