Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Jared_Cappel Jared Cappel
>Morris_Greenberg: AEEINOR 8H OE +4 4
>Jared_Cappel: BEINOOP 7I BOO +15 15
#note JC: This game was played in May just prior to the Montreal tournament. I liked shedding both O's, but Quackle says I score more and Morris scores less if I just play BO. Just less than 1% mistake in WP.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEIINRS L7 SENARII +72 76
>Jared_Cappel: AEEINPS 11H NAPE.IES +70 85
>Morris_Greenberg: DINOOQR O5 INDOOR. +24 100
#note MG: I found this turn tough. It felt too risky to not address columns N and O here even though QI 9G seems natural. With all four U's out and both blanks out too, I felt like it made sense to make this blocky play and hope the turnover allows me to draw into some tiles that synergize with the Q. Quackle agrees, either INDOOR(S) or DOOR(S).
>Jared_Cappel: DGHILWX 9F WHIG +27 112
>Morris_Greenberg: EPQRRTV K3 PERV. +20 120
#note MG: I wasn't 100% on PR(I)VET, I would've played that if sure. Quackle also slightly prefers V(I)PER, I don't remember considering it in the moment.
>Jared_Cappel: DIIJLTX 4G JILT.D +30 142
#note By a very slight margin, Quackle wants me to take the points with TIX. 12 points is a lot, but I preferred the flexibility of the X over the J going forward.
>Morris_Greenberg: ANOQRTU 13I QUO.N +48 168
#note MG: I overlooked QUARTO 8A, I was choosing between QUO(I)N, QUO(I)T, and QUA(I)NT both here and at H1. I saw there were only 2 Ns unseen to 4 Ts unseen, but just liked ART over ANR as a leave a lot more. I didn't consider the O's vs A's unseen to me (2 vs 6), that tips the scales towards QUAINT, this is imprecise.
>Jared_Cappel: AILNTWX M7 TWA +24 166
#note Quackle likes 14F TWAIN setting up my X for a huge score. I think a human plays under TWAIN more often than the bot expects, but I still like the idea of that play. 10K WAX also sims better than my play, holding a strong bingo leave.
>Morris_Greenberg: ADEERTY F9 .YE +17 185
#note MG: I was choosing between (W)YE, and 3 plays through the P on row 3 (A(P)ERY, (P)AYED, and (P)EATY). Ultimately, I thought the row 3 stuff gave back way more points that even though they score 6-8 more points immediately, Jared will make up those points (while I blow up my bingo rack). Quackle likes PAYED a lot more than this.
>Jared_Cappel: EEEILNX H1 NIX.E +36 202
#note I was debating between this and EXILE N2 and Quackle thinks I chose wrong. This obviously allows me to get hit with more bingos, a big concern after a fishy play of WYE. But EXILE gave back such easy overlaps.
>Morris_Greenberg: ADEEFRT E11 FED +24 209
#note MG: I missed the amazing placement for DRAFTEE! I even saw BOOSTED as a possibility, I just didn't commute that DRAFTEE fit there.
>Jared_Cappel: CEGHKLN 2C HECKL.NG +82 284
>Morris_Greenberg: AAAERTT 1A AREA +23 232
>Jared_Cappel: AAFMOTY 13C TO.AY +26 310
#note I thought Quackle would hate this move over FOAM, but it only thinks of it as a very slight mistake. I was scared of 3x3s, with both blanks unseen and still thinking of that WYE play that seemed fishy. If I specify he has a blank, Quackle prefers TODAY. Of course, no certainty he has a blank, plus he's just played off 4 tiles so even if he did, he's not necessarily balanced anymore. I think I need to play FOAM.
>Morris_Greenberg: AELRSTT 6B RATTLES +74 306
>Jared_Cappel: AFGMMRU D12 F.AM +34 344
#note I was focused on wimping out on FOAM the turn before that I played this pretty quickly. Big mistake. N2 GUMMA looks good. Also GRUME or FUME at 12A/B.
>Morris_Greenberg: DEIOTVZ 15D .OVED +33 339
#note MG: I am going for BIZ with a B draw, I figured drawing an S or ? would be pretty close to winning here too. Quackle smartly suggests VOMITED or MOTIVED instead, maximize turnover and leave 1 in the bag. Misscored as 30.
>Jared_Cappel: ?CGMRSU N2 GRUM +18 362
#note I felt time pressured (even though I had enough time) and made a terrible play. I was focused on going for the important B,Z,? tiles unseen. I saw COMMOVED but thought i was making it up. I also saw Burg/brattles, GRR through the R in RATTLES and CURR throuh the R in RATTLES and GUM instead of GRUM. All are infinitely better than my play. In post-mortem, I told Morris I liked BURG/BRATTLES best of the plays I saw (so why didn't I play it?!?! Some fear of burning the blank?). Probably my dumbest play yet in our legnthy set. This is the play that finally got me to start working on my pre- and end games a bit more.
>Morris_Greenberg: ?BITUUZ A4 ZIBeT +85 424
>Jared_Cappel: ?ACILS 4A .InCS +30 392
#note I was actually afraid of BIZ not ZIBET which I didn't see. I was too mad at myself for the atrocious play of GRUM, that I didn't even track Morris' play and realize he had UU and only one place to play it.
>Morris_Greenberg: UU F5 U.U +3 427
>Morris_Greenberg: (AL) +4 431
Player 2
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