Player 1 |
#player1 Dielle_Saldanha Dielle Saldanha
#player2 Noah Noah
>Dielle_Saldanha: ANUU 8H UNAU +8 8
>Noah: AEGIJTV K7 J.GATE +28 28
>Dielle_Saldanha: AZ J10 ZA +64 72
>Noah: AAIKRTV I11 KAVA +22 50
#note Missing TRAIK. Quackle prefers TRIJUGATE to this, as it sets up a better KAVA, a thought that didn't even cross my mind while I was looking at TRIJUGATE. I was a little surprised that KIVA simmed better than this.
>Dielle_Saldanha: FGOOR L3 FORGO +27 99
>Noah: ?CILRTT 14G TR.CTILe +80 130
>Dielle_Saldanha: ABDR 15L DARB +35 134
>Noah: IILNNTU 3J UN.IT +16 146
#note Missing two better dumps, TINFUL and UNJOINT, boh of which do just what I want.
>Dielle_Saldanha: EOW M7 WOE +28 162
>Noah: BILNORS N6 BLIN +30 176
>Dielle_Saldanha: CEMO 2H COME +26 188
>Noah: ?ADIORS 4D InROADS +71 247
#note I realized a couple moves later that I missed the A(MUS) hook. What I didn't realize was that ROADIeS played on the bottom!
>Dielle_Saldanha: EHINNOT D2 TH.ONINE +62 250
>Noah: IMPRTUY 1K PURTY +38 285
#note Quackle likes PUTTY, I guess because it blocks the E hook and keeps a very nice leave.
>Dielle_Saldanha: IQ C7 QI +44 294
>Noah: AEIILMW 1A WILE +37 322
>Dielle_Saldanha: EFO 15F FOE +26 320
>Noah: AEIMRSV 10B MISAVER +89 411
>Dielle_Saldanha: DELP 12G LE.P.D +34 354
>Noah: DEHOSSX 8B H..S +7 418
#note A set up which really isn't very good. Something like SHOES O3 is nice here, although I didn't know UNFITS. This does kinda force her to break up her rack to block.
>Dielle_Saldanha: AEEEINY 9A NE +10 364
#note Best is the nice WEENIE, which blocks and goes out next turn.
>Noah: DEGOSX O4 OXES +31 449
#note GOS O5 is best.
>Dielle_Saldanha: AEEIY F2 EY.IE +12 376
#note A little better to play EYE 5G.
>Noah: DG 10J ..G +13 462
#note BLIND is one better, as this gives her GAD/KATA.
>Dielle_Saldanha: A 3D .A. +10 386
>Dielle_Saldanha: (D) +4 390