Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Dean_Saldanha Dean Saldanha
>Noah: EIOPRTY 8H OY +10 10
#note Probably should have played PIETY or something, although this sims best.
>Dean_Saldanha: BOX 7I BOX +25 25
>Noah: DEIIPRT 9F TIDERIP +74 84
>Dean_Saldanha: EEJT 6J JETE +61 86
>Noah: CFHINOW 5K HIN +42 126
>Dean_Saldanha: GOW 4L WOG +29 115
>Noah: CFINOUW 8L UNCI +26 152
>Dean_Saldanha: ABL 3M BAL +25 140
>Noah: DFORSUW 10K DOW +15 167
#note Now now. Did I really miss OWLS here?
>Dean_Saldanha: EEOSTV 11F VETOES +26 166
>Noah: AFGMRSU O1 GU.S +27 194
#note Missing SAGUM.
>Dean_Saldanha: AEFIMN 8A FAMINE +38 204
#note And now, to make things a little more interesting.
>Noah: ?AFLMRU 12G FARM +24 218
#note The bingo here is ridiculous. Can anyone find it? Missing MAUL here is a now. FAMULI/AIMFUL too, but I didn't know them.
>Dean_Saldanha: AEIINNT C4 ANTI.INE +62 266
>Noah: ?ALLNRU D1 NULL +14 232
#note Totally whiffing on the G being there, and I didn't know LINgULAR or pLANULAR. But ALLURiNG? Now now!
>Dean_Saldanha: DEEIV 1C E.DIVE +30 296
>Noah: ?AOPRST A8 .ORePAST +95 327
>Dean_Saldanha: AGHLU D11 LAUGH +28 324
>Noah: ACQRSTZ 13C Q.ART +37 364
>Dean_Saldanha: DEIOORY 15D .YOID +36 360
#note Dean wasn't sure of HOODIER, which wins the most.
>Noah: ACEKRSZ 2H RAZES +36 400
#note Quackle says this wins 0%. I wonder it is doing wrong. Anyway, WRECK is 30something points better, but I just needed to find a guaranteed win.
>Dean_Saldanha: ?AEEOR 13I AERObE +21 381
>Dean_Saldanha: (CK) +16 397