Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joey Joey
#player2 Carl Carl
>Joey: EIILPRU 8G PIU +10 10
#note I never considered EURIPI. That's probably better, but it's hard to score much against this.
>Carl: ?LOPTTY H3 sPOTT.LY +65 65
#note Of course, no board is bingo proof this early.
>Joey: AAEILOR 10E ALI.A +10 20
#note Another CSW bingo that's annoying to have here. And I'm just fine with that.
>Carl: ABEGINT 6E ABE.TING +69 134
>Joey: EFGIORS 11E GIF +27 47
>Carl: ABCENOO K6 .OCEBO +20 154
#note Thanks to Carl for providing the racks in which he did not bingo. It's about time.
>Joey: AEEGORS 8K .AGER +27 74
>Carl: AEINRUY 3H .YNURAE +26 180
>Joey: AAEKNOS 5D OKA +30 104
>Carl: DDFILQW N6 WI.LD +21 201
>Joey: AEEENSX L10 AXE +33 137
>Carl: DEFOQRS 13I FORDS +38 239
>Joey: EEEHNSV 4A EVENS +29 166
>Carl: EQTUVWZ A1 TWE. +21 260
>Joey: EHIIMMR 2A .HIM +24 190
>Carl: ?DLQUVZ N2 Z.D +26 286
>Joey: EEIMNNR 1D MINER +39 229
#note I'm somehow on the fringe of getting back into this, but I need to play all seven real soon.
>Carl: ?LQRSUV E8 QU.. +14 300
>Joey: AEINOTU O10 AUNTIE +24 253
>Carl: ?DELRSV 14F VoLED +32 332
>Joey: EINOOST 12A OTIOSE +32 285
#note Unfortunately, Carl waited until I had a bingo to prevent it from happening.
>Carl: ACHJRRS C9 HAJ.S +38 370
>Joey: NO M10 NO +20 305
>Joey: (CRR) +10 315
Player 2
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