Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Carl Carl
#player2 Noah Noah
>Carl: DGHNOSW 8G GOWD +18 18
#note DHOW. I mostly analyzed this game using NWL20, even though we played it under NWL18.
>Noah: DEENOSS 9G ODE +19 19
>Carl: AHIINRS 7H HAIR +25 43
>Noah: AENRSSS 10E SARSENS +80 99
>Carl: ?AIMNSU E5 ANIMU.eS +86 129
>Noah: BCDIINT D11 BINDI +25 124
#note I don't think I really considered BID or DIB. BID is very hookable, but CINT looks pretty good on rows 5 and 14. BINDI and BID are simming very close for me, with DIB a bit behind them.
>Carl: AEFGILT 6J FAG +32 161
>Noah: ?CDETUY 14B CU.DY +40 164
>Carl: AEEILLT D4 ELITE +23 184
>Noah: ?BEKLMT 6B BL..K +27 191
>Carl: AEFILPT 15F AFT +23 207
>Noah: ?AEIMRT M3 MAEsTRI +77 268
#note I almost had AFTERTIMES here. There is a cool nine available which I didn't see (and might have thought was invalid).
>Carl: EILNOOP L1 LOON +18 225
#note I wrote down IIP for Carl's leave here, but I remember thinking he kept had kept EIP during our postmortem discussion of the turn. I think I said I would've played LOOP here, but this is an interesting idea. In the sim, LOON punches way above its static evaluation (comparatively), but still behind LOOP/POOL.
>Noah: EEEGJRT C2 JET +22 290
#note Tricky. I kind of wanted to play JEER to set up scoring spots, but the leave felt a bit bad and perhaps the row 2 bingo line was slightly negative as well. EJECT was a little tempting as well. I don't think I noticed JILTER/JOLTER, which helps out the valuation of GREE. GREE might be the play, because, while the column O bingo lanes it opens seem somewhat annoying, JOLTER/JILTER take out some of the worst problems with those, and GREE does block column N sevens.
>Carl: EIIPTTU 13F PTUI +16 241
>Noah: EEEGLRV 1H LEVE. +24 314
#note I could play LEVELER, but ER seemed nice. I can occasionally draw LEVELING. The sim much prefers LEVELER, by a valuation difference close to the two plays' difference in score, I guess because the bag isn't so promising for bingos, but I can dig in to it for some good scoring tiles, which EGR doesn't absorb much better than G.
>Carl: CEIOOTZ 2F ZOO +34 275
#note ORZO seems better to me.
>Noah: AEGNPRR 3E RAP +26 340
#note I don't think I considered much besides this here. SPRANG and SPRAG are options to weaken his bingo potential.
>Carl: ACEINRT 12I TACRINE +72 347
>Noah: EEEGNRU O6 RENEGU. +24 364
#note I wondered about some other plays - mostly GREE and RENEGE, to keep QU possibilities like QUENCH/QUINCE/QUA/QUAIS alive (BAROQUE is another play I didn't notice until writing commentary). I kind of didn't like GREE because the Q potential didn't actually feel great and he had "stuff like HEAVY" (is there really much more other than that? I guess WAIVE, which I noticed, and IXNAY). O9 RENEGUE is doing quite a bit better by Champ's lights - perhaps WEN and the like help me more than they help him.
>Carl: AHQVWXY B12 WY.H +15 362
#note Champ gives a nice standout choice here, which still appears to lose to a pretty straightforward line, but looks much better than the other options.
>Noah: EIOO 11K OE +16 380
>Carl: AQVX 4G AX +22 384
>Noah: IO N7 OI +8 388
>Noah: (QV) +28 416
Player 2
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