Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh Josh
#player2 Maddy_Kamen Maddy Kamen
>Josh: ACEINSX H3 AXENIC +46 46
#note I overthought this a bit I think. XENIC simply is probably fine. She held this for a bit. I think considering she might not know this, and how easy it is to overlap the X and score after this, I should have just done XENIC #strategysmall
>Maddy_Kamen: GIT I3 GIT +22 22
>Josh: INOPRRS G5 RIP +20 66
>Maddy_Kamen: ACIT 5E AT...IC +36 58
>Josh: GNOORST F2 GRO. +9 75
#note the best play here is probably fishing the G with (PI)G, followed by 5 extra points for GRO(IN), which I missed. This reduces counterplay maximally, but it's not good enough #findingmedium
>Maddy_Kamen: ?DELOSV E5 .bSOLVED +72 130
>Josh: ?ANOSTU 8H .OUrANTS +80 155
>Maddy_Kamen: ABRV 8A BRAV. +42 172
>Josh: EHLRTTW 9I WHET +31 186
>Maddy_Kamen: FIZ D11 FIZ +41 213
>Josh: ABILRTU 13A LUT. +26 212
#note this shouldn't be the best play with BIZ being available, but I obviously just *knew*. No sense in opening this triple for nothing. #questionable
>Maddy_Kamen: AQ N6 QA. +32 245
>Josh: ABEIJRY A10 JAI.ER +42 254
>Maddy_Kamen: ADEKM C3 MEDAK. +36 281
>Josh: BEEIOYY B3 OBEY +41 295
>Maddy_Kamen: HOP A1 POH +32 313
>Josh: AEIRSWY D2 WAY +43 338
>Maddy_Kamen: EFN B11 EN.F +28 341
>Josh: AEEIIRS O3 AERIE. +20 358
>Maddy_Kamen: EGOU 10E .OGUE +17 358
>Josh: EIIMOOS 11G OMS +19 377
#note try to find a path to victory for Maddy after this play. I couldn't.
>Maddy_Kamen: DELRSTU G10 ..D +5 363
>Josh: DEIINNO L6 EN..ION +14 391
>Maddy_Kamen: ELNRSTU 13H UNREST +22 385
>Josh: DIL K11 LI.D +16 407
#note was 99% sure DIEL was NWL but I was too sad.
>Josh: (L) +2 409
Player 2
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