Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mack Mack
#player2 Matt Matt
>Mack: AAFIIOZ H7 FIZ +30 30
>Matt: DEEILRV I2 REVILED +72 72
>Mack: AAILNOS 2H O.INASAL +70 100
>Matt: DIRST 1D DIRTS +30 102
>Mack: IIJLRTT L1 J.IL +38 138
>Matt: ADE 1L .ADE +47 149
>Mack: EIORTTT J5 TOT +17 155
>Matt: HOSTUY K7 SHOUTY +31 180
>Mack: ABEIRRT 11E BIRRET.A +70 225
>Matt: ??IMNSU M7 MINUSes +83 263
#note Matt, understandably, spent a long time looking for -ITIS nines on row 5. Surprisingly, nothing exists -- this is best.
>Mack: EGGNOUW 12A GOUGE +22 247
#note Not great, but looks better than my other options.
>Matt: AANU H11 .UANA +18 281
>Mack: CEFNOWY I13 YOW +29 276
>Matt: EHINX A7 HEXIN. +51 332
>Mack: CEEEFNV C11 C.VEE +20 296
#note Not sure what to do here. Figured I'd try to distract Matt with the scoring spot on row 15 and hope either he uses it and I draw a bingo on column B, or he blocks for a small score on column B and I hit KEEF and outrun. Considered N5 EVEN, but that felt too desperate at this point. After C9 VENUE it felt like he just blocks and wins.
>Matt: Q F10 Q. +31 363
>Mack: EFNOORR G13 FOR +32 328
>Matt: ABDEEGL B2 BEAGLED +84 447
>Mack: ENNOPRT 15A OP.N +21 349
>Matt: ACEKMOP A1 CAMP +54 501
>Mack: AEINRTW N6 WITAN +30 379
#note Best, as C2 AWN leaves him a higher scoring out of N5 OKE.
>Matt: EKO O4 OKE +13 514
>Matt: (ER) +4 518
Player 2
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