Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mack Mack
#player2 Carl Carl
>Mack: ABDEETU H4 BEAUT +20 20
#note Kind of a tossup between this, DAUBE, and TABUED. I generally like ED more than ET since bingos will score more on average, though this does give back an X spot, so could go either way.
>Carl: AMX G5 MAX +43 43
>Mack: ADEIRST 5D DIA..TERS +98 118
>Carl: ATVY L3 VA.TY +22 65
>Mack: AIILOPT 4A PATIO +28 146
>Carl: DGUY A4 .UDGY +36 101
>Mack: AEGILMR J3 GL.AMIER +65 211
>Carl: EGLO M7 OGLE +13 114
>Mack: ACFIQSZ 10L F.Z +35 246
#note Not positive this was my fack, but I remember debating between FEZ and FAQIR and ultimately deciting it was more important to take out N10 as I save C2 QAT for next turn.
>Carl: ?CEEFRT I9 REFlECT +68 182
>Mack: ACHIQST 15G QA. +36 282
>Carl: AEEO N10 .OEAE +28 210
>Mack: CHINSST 13C SNITCH.S +82 364
>Carl: ?EIILNR D7 RELINI.g +66 276
>Mack: HLNNOUW O13 WHO +37 401
#note Missed the cool 14I CHUNNEL, which looks better, though I'm 99% to win either way.
>Carl: ABJO 11B BA.JO +28 304
>Mack: LNNRRUW 8M .NU +12 413
#note Think this was my rack. Wanted to take out column N with DDNN left -- hard to imagine losing after this.
>Carl: EIO 3I O.I.E +20 324
>Mack: ELNRRUW L10 .URL +14 427
#note Felt good to keep a vowel here to ensure I have flexibility to block any setups Carl might try to make on the top.
>Carl: IK 3B KI +22 346
#note After this play, Carl overdrew to empty the bag, and I turned over VPS, of course throwing the S back into the bag, so I knew he'd have DENOOPV.
>Mack: DEINNRW M2 W. +5 432
#note Nothing to worry about since I know I'll be drawing the S. DINNERS in both spots can be blocked, but I figured I'd force Carl to realize what I was doing and react appropriately.
>Carl: DENOOPV 2F VEND +19 365
>Mack: DEINNRS 1J DINERS +30 462
#note NINERS nets 3 more as it's not correct for Carl to go out next turn.
>Carl: OOP 2B OP +27 392
>Mack: N F10 N. +4 466
>Mack: (O) +2 468
Player 2
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