Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 David David
#player2 Jason Jason
>David: ADFIRT 8H ADRIFT +28 28
>Jason: AGHOTTU L8 .OUGHT +26 26
>David: AADEP J6 PA.ADE +19 47
>Jason: AEILNST 12D ENTAILS +76 102
>David: LOOW 13D WOOL +20 67
>Jason: AIILNPU 9B NAUPLII +63 165
>David: ?AEEOTT B2 OuTEATE. +68 135
>Jason: ABEIRSV M3 VIBRA.ES +85 250
>David: BDU A6 DUB +35 170
>Jason: ?CHINOX C3 NIX +33 283
>David: JKN 4L J.NK +40 210
>Jason: ?CEGGHO O1 GEC.O +36 319
>David: EWY 14E WYE +40 250
>Jason: ?AEGHRR 15G cHARGER +86 405
>David: OY 5K YO. +25 275
>Jason: AEILMSV 11B VIMS +40 445
>David: IM M12 MI +19 294
>Jason: ADEELOS 5B ..ED +24 469
#note Blocking the last lanes.
>David: Q H11 Q. +11 305
>Jason: ACELORS 13L ..C +5 474
#note Greedy spread play.
>David: EN N10 EN +9 314
>Jason: AEELORS O8 LAREES +33 507
#note Finish again with E4 O(D) probably best as it has the added benefit of blocking high scoring Z plays.
>David: FINORUZ D4 Z.RO +50 364
>Jason: OT 14I TO +10 517
>Jason: (FNUI) +14 531
Player 2
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