Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jackson Jackson
#player2 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
>Jackson: AEGKSTX H7 KEX +28 28
>Morris_Greenberg: EEINOOR G7 ONE +24 24
>Jackson: AAGMOST I7 AG +16 44
>Morris_Greenberg: AEIIOPR -IIO +0 24
>Jackson: AEGMOST 6I MOG +14 58
>Morris_Greenberg: ACEEIPR 9G ..EC +22 46
#note PACE 5J is a nice concept here too. More aggresive. Either is fine, it really depends on the style of game you want to play here.
>Jackson: AAENSTY 5J YA +21 79
>Morris_Greenberg: AEIIPRU -IIU +0 46
#note Considered (C)URIA and (C)URIAE here too. Ultimately, I decided the board kind of had a zungzwang quality to it where 9 or 12 points sacrifices a lot of counterplay I likely get if Jackson bingos.
>Jackson: AAELNST L6 SEALANT +73 152
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AEINPR 13F RAPINEs +67 113
>Jackson: ?EENSUZ 4K ZEE +37 189
>Morris_Greenberg: BDENRTU H13 .UB +21 134
>Jackson: ?MNSSTU N2 MUST +25 214
#note better than STANNUMS
>Morris_Greenberg: DEINRTU O5 INTRUDE +76 210
>Jackson: ?AJLNOS O1 JO +31 245
>Morris_Greenberg: ADEILNT 15H .IDENTAL +86 296
>Jackson: ?ALNOSU 10A LANUgOS +64 309
#note missed ZONULAS, that is better
>Morris_Greenberg: AIIORVW A7 VIO. +21 317
#note RAVIO(L)I is the word I miss here. Big mistake.
>Jackson: ABDFOPR 3M F.B +38 347
>Morris_Greenberg: AIIIORW -IIIOW +0 317
#note I completely miss WAIR here. Really bad.
>Jackson: ADEOPRW 11D POW +27 374
#note missed WORDAGE, but I think POW is still a bit better to block more bingoes and keep a better leave with a shitty pool, especially after he exchanged
>Morris_Greenberg: ALRRSTY N13 RY. +12 329
#note Josh pointed out the lovely TR(A)Y B8 after the game to set up a nice S lane. I am going for (VIOL)ATERS or (VIOL)ATORS here.
>Jackson: ADEHHIR M7 HAIR +28 402
#note or HI, both seem fine (avoid the Q)
>Morris_Greenberg: AELRSTW A7 ....ATER +12 341
>Jackson: DEEGHIV B13 DEV +21 423
>Morris_Greenberg: ILOQSTW 12I QI +24 365
#note I was going for S(V)ELT* here, completely forgetting it is only SVELTE.
>Jackson: EFGHIIR 9A .F +10 433
>Morris_Greenberg: CDLOSTW 12C COD +25 390
#note Still going for the phony S(V)ELT*.
>Jackson: EGHIIOR 7A .OGIE +11 444
>Morris_Greenberg: ILSTW 11J WI.S +28 418
>Jackson: HIR C12 .HI +33 477
>Morris_Greenberg: LT D6 L.T +4 422
>Morris_Greenberg: (R) +2 424
Player 2
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