Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 JoelHorn Joel Horn
#player2 JoshuaSokol Joshua Sokol
>JoelHorn: EGINOSU 8C IGNEOUS +70 70
>JoshuaSokol: ACDJNRU G7 J.CUND +27 27
>JoelHorn: ALV B8 LAV +23 93
>JoshuaSokol: ?AHIRUX F10 XU +52 79
>JoelHorn: EFZ E11 FEZ +42 135
>JoshuaSokol: ?AEHIRS D1 HEARSIn. +80 159
>JoelHorn: AKOO 1D .OOKA +36 171
>JoshuaSokol: EELLMNT C3 MEET +26 185
#note this was an adjustment to what was probably better equity, but it sims like 10 points worse than other options, so I don't think I can justify this. Gotta keep a better leave. M(A)LLET 3C seems best. #strategymedium
>JoelHorn: BBE 2H EBB +15 186
>JoshuaSokol: IILLNOW I2 .ILLOW. +17 202
#note now taking the points and keeping the much worse leave with WI(Z) sims best. Scrabble is hard #questionable
>JoelHorn: AENTTU 1J ATTUNE +25 211
>JoshuaSokol: AINOPTY J6 YO +31 233
>JoelHorn: III -III +0 211
>JoshuaSokol: ADINPRT 13B DIT. +28 261
>JoelHorn: DGO 14A GOD +19 230
>JoshuaSokol: AINPPRR B2 RAPP +31 292
#note rapp is not a word. I was pretty certain of its validity. Held and released. #knowledgeSADDEST
>JoelHorn: AMR A1 RAM +25 255
>JoshuaSokol: AEEILNR L1 .REENAIL +68 360
>JoelHorn: ?AHNRTY 15C sHANTY +48 303
>JoshuaSokol: AEEFORV M3 FROE +30 390
#note keeping the A for QA(IDs) C11 if I draw the Q, and the V to try and block stuff.
>JoelHorn: IQS 9J QIS +21 324
>JoshuaSokol: ADEIIOV J9 .I +13 403
#note absolutely terrible mistracking, didn't release E was out. This loses if he has (E)RECTING and S is in bag, and ties if W is in bag. I need to block that. I can outrun ENTICERS and ENTERICS at least. But just block the damn E, and more importantly, track properly... ffs
>JoelHorn: W F1 .W +13 337
>JoshuaSokol: ADEEIOV E4 VOE +36 439
#note of course I draw the E
>JoelHorn: CGINRST 11J STING +24 361
>JoshuaSokol: ADEI 14H AIDE +14 453
#note terrible word knowledge continues. I put down STINGE and AIDE, and then take it back, and put this down. Joel says "you weren't going to play that." UGH!!! #knowledgeSADDEST
>JoshuaSokol: (CR) +8 461
Player 2
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