Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jason_Li Jason Li
#player2 Chloe Chloe
>Jason_Li: ACDIY 8H ACIDY +30 30
>Chloe: DIINSTU L1 DISUNIT. +78 78
>Jason_Li: AEGG 1H GAGE. +24 54
>Chloe: ENORRTU 5J RU. +6 84
#note talked myself out of TROUNCER, which is a word
>Jason_Li: AATV 3I AVA.T +18 72
>Chloe: ENOPRTW 2F PROW +24 108
>Jason_Li: DEFLNO 3A FONDLE +24 96
>Chloe: EEGNRTT J7 R.NGETTE +65 173
>Jason_Li: ?BCHIIL 12H BI.CHILy +84 180
>Chloe: EENOORT A3 .OOTER +30 203
>Jason_Li: AEHRU N10 HA.ERU +34 214
>Chloe: AEKLMNY 15L YE.K +45 248
>Jason_Li: VX B2 V.X +35 249
>Chloe: AEILMNQ D1 QA.I +48 296
>Jason_Li: ENO K10 ON.E +21 270
>Chloe: EELMNOW H12 .LOW +27 323
#note O7 LOWE might be better, I liked blocking RINGETTES, and I chose this over BLEW to not float the E, which might be annoying to block down the road. A small error i guess
>Jason_Li: AADORSU 1D .UA +17 287
>Chloe: BEEEJMN O8 JEE +35 358
#note I average a lot more after ENEM(y), which keeps the J for N6 plays and also sets up M11 plays making JAM.
>Jason_Li: AEINOST 9B ATONIES +61 348
>Chloe: ?ABEMNO D8 M.ONBEAm +78 436
>Jason_Li: IIPRSSZ 14B IZ.R +26 374
#note best endgame for Jason, nice play
>Chloe: DFLM M11 D.F +27 463
#note L(IZAR)D is 1 better
>Jason_Li: IPSS A12 PISS +41 415
>Jason_Li: (LM) +8 423