Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Stefan_Fatsis Stefan Fatsis
#player2 Chloe Chloe
>Stefan_Fatsis: ?AEIILR 8D LAIRIEr +64 64
>Chloe: AAELLSW 7F SEAWALL +82 82
>Stefan_Fatsis: AAEEMVY - +0 64
#note challenged
>Chloe: EGHIINT D8 .IGHT +18 100
#note fuck, GLAIRIER is good. NIGHTIE plays there.
>Stefan_Fatsis: FO 6I OF +32 96
>Chloe: EHINQTU L4 QUI.T +30 130
#note fishing H with HOWE looks pretty good, bingoes about 37%. Looks a little better than QUILT
>Stefan_Fatsis: NOW 8L .OWN +21 117
>Chloe: CEEHNNN 11D .ENCH +26 156
#note this is not a word... not intentional. of the valid plays HEWN looks best.
>Stefan_Fatsis: UZ N8 .UZ +35 152
>Chloe: DEENNOO H11 .ONED +30 186
>Stefan_Fatsis: BG 5K B.G +12 164
>Chloe: ELNOOPS I12 POLO +19 205
#note defensive because he just played off 2 tiles, but missed the P hook on SI, LOOP there looks best. plays making PHONED also sim a bit better, but I'm fine with POLO given his range.
>Stefan_Fatsis: MO J13 OM +24 188
>Chloe: ENOSSVX M7 S.X +48 253
>Stefan_Fatsis: AAIIMPY 7C MA +17 205
>Chloe: ENORRSV 9C V.ER +16 269
#note wanted to obstruct MA hooks. Q prefers K9 ROVEN, prob just for the extra points, but I didn't mind continuing to play defense.
>Stefan_Fatsis: EN C12 EN +6 211
>Chloe: INORRST M2 TRI. +21 290
#note Or RIG, they're tied
>Stefan_Fatsis: AE O10 AE +13 224
>Chloe: BKNOPRS B12 PORK +27 317
#note Usually would play BONKS or something at K10, but wanted to block big scoring plays on the B column and prevent A column setups. Q likes 2J KNO(T)S the most. Idk, again I feel fine about this, but it's probably a mistake
>Stefan_Fatsis: ACN K11 CAN +14 238
>Chloe: BDINSYY 15A S.Y +30 347
>Stefan_Fatsis: EU 11K .UE +5 243
>Chloe: BDDEINY L10 B.Y +26 373
#note Not sure if E or I was the last tile. I def had 5E BIDDY, which is a much better play than BUY.
>Stefan_Fatsis: EJORT 2J JOT.ER +58 301
>Chloe: DDEGIIN O1 G.IDE +27 400
#note GRIDED is better, I think I just wasn't 100% on it.
>Stefan_Fatsis: ADEISUV C6 U. +4 305
>Chloe: ADDFIIN 5C DIF +20 420
#note again not sure of rack, but it was something like this. this seemed to block the most, not empty, and outrun.
>Stefan_Fatsis: EEISV 4D SIEVE +27 332
>Chloe: AADINRT H1 RAT.D +18 438
>Stefan_Fatsis: ?AT 2E dAT. +5 337
>Stefan_Fatsis: (IAN) +6 343
#note he lost 10 on time