Player 1 |
#player1 David_Gibson David Gibson
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>David_Gibson: AAN 8H ANA +6 6
>Ryan_Fischer: DEITW 9F WITED +19 19
#note Risky leaving the Z hook this early...
>David_Gibson: AOV 7G AVO +18 24
>Ryan_Fischer: ACEILRT K2 RECITAL +72 91
#note Yay.
>David_Gibson: AEEP 4H PEA.E +24 48
>Ryan_Fischer: EHIIMRU H1 HUM. +33 124
#note I really wanted to play HUMERI, but this seemed better.
>David_Gibson: INZ 10J ZIN +65 113
>Ryan_Fischer: EIILRTU 11J ETUI +28 152
#note "I'll bet that's the most you've ever scored with that word!"
>David_Gibson: ?ABEERS 12D BEAvERS +83 196
>Ryan_Fischer: FILNORT 2J F.ONT +32 184
#note Best, but just ugly.
>David_Gibson: AEHT 1L HEAT +46 242
>Ryan_Fischer: IIJLLRS 13C JILL +30 214
#note Best.
>David_Gibson: EO 11D OE +15 257
>Ryan_Fischer: GIQRRSX 5F QIS +24 238
#note Ew.
>David_Gibson: KU 7K .UK +12 269
>Ryan_Fischer: CGRRRUX H11 R.CUR +21 259
#note Hated doing this.
>David_Gibson: AOP 8M APO +21 290
#note Phew.
>Ryan_Fischer: DGNRTXY M10 G.RD +26 285
#note The ZING/Y threat was half calculated, but I probably shoulda just taken (P)YX
>David_Gibson: ?ADENOS 15H .EASONeD +77 367
#note (R)ANSOmED, he said he liked better
>Ryan_Fischer: BMNOTXY 14H .MBO +30 315
#note Best if you're holding on to the Y
>David_Gibson: FOW O7 W.OF +10 377
#note Damn, he saw it.
>Ryan_Fischer: EGLNTXY 12L T.EY +28 343
#note N(I)XY but I have pretty much no hope here. I think I shoulda traded instead of killing my S hook and using the Q.
>David_Gibson: DIIORSV C5 DIVISOR +69 446
#note Icing on the cake.
>Ryan_Fischer: GGILNNX B4 NIX +54 397
>David_Gibson: EY 14N YE +21 467
#note Dinnertime! 0-4, then I come screaming back. :)
>David_Gibson: (GGLN) +12 479