Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Wes_Eddings Wes Eddings
>Morris_Greenberg: AACEIOT -AO +0 0
#note This isn't very good, exchanging AIO is better, and CIAO is fine too.
>Wes_Eddings: ?NNORST 8G NONaRTS +64 64
>Morris_Greenberg: ACEEHIT I4 ECHI.ATE +65 65
#note I knew I was forgetting bingos through the R, I looked for a bit there and was pretty sure that was a valid alphagram, but just wasn't processing AETHE(R)IC or HETAE(R)IC. Big mistake.
>Wes_Eddings: AINORSV 4G AV.RSION +80 144
>Morris_Greenberg: AAMPRTX H11 PRAAM +34 99
#note I disliked the row 5 X plays, it just felt like an easy way to give Wes 11 extra points on many 5+ letter words. The row 3 X plays allow big counterplays too. Quackle prefers all of these X plays over PRAAM, presumably because the leaves are so strong for bingos.
>Wes_Eddings: ABEY 3K ABYE +36 180
>Morris_Greenberg: BFIIOTX 3C FIXIT +35 134
#note Fake Q setup!
>Wes_Eddings: DOU O1 OUD +23 203
#note I held this for over 6 minutes. I initially really disliked ABYED*, and then eventually talked myself into it. It is invalid.
>Morris_Greenberg: ?BDGIOU 2F BUG +25 159
#note Given OUD last turn, I preferred this to BOG or GOB 2D since his chances of an O are higher than usual.
>Wes_Eddings: AEGIRSW 5A EARWIGS +76 279
>Morris_Greenberg: ?ADEIJO 1H AJI +39 198
#note I was choosing between AJI and (E)JIDO here. I ultimately decided that being down 120 calls for keeping the dangerous spot open even if I get burned.
>Wes_Eddings: ALNV A4 V.NAL +36 315
>Morris_Greenberg: ?CDEOOT 12A CODEbTO. +76 274
>Wes_Eddings: MOP A12 .OMP +30 345
>Morris_Greenberg: DENOTUY 14H .UTODYNE +78 352
>Wes_Eddings: ELORSTU O7 RESOLUT. +77 422
>Morris_Greenberg: AEIKLRW 2B WE +15 367
#note This is a complicated position. I can go for bingos, Q sticks could be possible long term, the Z can score a bunch, and RESOLUTER plays are possible, and there are 7 tiles in the bag to try executing some of these options. This forces Wes to worry about ZERK kind of plays immediately while I block 1 of the remaining 3 Q spots. Quackle likes the cool idea of W(O)KE here B11 to create AWOKE for a 7s lane. My issue with this is Wes will almost certainly block with a play through the E of CODEBTOR, and that really limits my options even though I can score 71 between WOKE followed by AR 15N, I don't think that will score enough most of the time.
>Wes_Eddings: DEHINQ 1A DE +14 436
#note Wes was scared about my imaginary ZERK play.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEIKLLR K3 ..K +14 381
#note I go for RELIA(b)LE here with an E draw. I could just play RESOLUTER now and go for LIKEA(b)LE too.
>Wes_Eddings: FHINQ J1 .F +13 449
>Morris_Greenberg: AEGILLR 7H G. +6 387
#note Now if I draw an E and Wes blocks RELIABLE, I can Q stick him. It turns out in this scenario, if Wes plays Z(O)NE B11, I need to find RE(T)ALLIE(D) to win. Really fun endgame.
>Wes_Eddings: EEHINQZ M6 QI. +13 462
>Morris_Greenberg: AEIILLR 14A .ILIAL +20 407
#note This is phony, but if it were valid and Wes challenges, he loses.
>Wes_Eddings: EEHNZ D8 HEEZ. +21 483
>Morris_Greenberg: ER 15N ER +35 442
#note All 8 triples were hit this game! Not a common occurrence.
>Morris_Greenberg: (N) +2 444
Player 2
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