Player 1 |
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#player1 Agnes_Kramer Agnes Kramer
#player2 Arie_Sinke Arie Sinke
>Agnes_Kramer: KOOR 8G ROOK +16 16
>Arie_Sinke: BIIMTTX 9I XI +40 40
#note This play looks like it's worth it for the points. MIXT 9I gives up too many points to keep a mediocre leave.
>Agnes_Kramer: NPU 10J PUN +26 42
>Arie_Sinke: ABEIMTT F6 AMBIT +24 64
#note I missed the best play of IAMB 7F for 34 here. It looks better by about 3.5 points - keeping ETT instead of ET is a sacrifice, but for 10 extra points it's worth it.
>Agnes_Kramer: CEEHRSW K2 CHEWERS +92 134
>Arie_Sinke: DEEILST M9 ISLETED +74 138
#note Highest scoring bingo.
>Agnes_Kramer: BOW J4 BOW +38 172
>Arie_Sinke: AAEGINO 15H GANOI. +27 165
#note There are several options here - it appears that I evaluated this correctly and that my play is a bit better than the alternatives. AGE L3 for 31 scores a few more points but the leave is weaker and it doesn't do anything about the triple. ODEA 15L sacrifices too many points to justify the improved leave. AGIO 5E is a similar story, plus it leaves the D open.
>Agnes_Kramer: GU 3K .UG +14 186
>Arie_Sinke: ?AEMNOT N2 TElAMON +86 251
#note This scores 8 more points than the second highest scoring bingo.
>Agnes_Kramer: ?AENOSU O4 ArENOUS +86 272
>Arie_Sinke: DDETTUV 12G DUVETT. +24 275
#note I misremebered this word - it's no good, but I thought it looked familiar so I played it. CUVETTE is of course good. This is a bad time to phoney because DUVET in the same spot is barely worse, but fortunately for me I got away with it.
>Agnes_Kramer: ACEFIN 13B FIANCE +28 300
>Arie_Sinke: AADDRRZ 12D ZA +46 321
#note Worth it for the points - anything else gives up too much.
>Agnes_Kramer: EHJOPS E2 JOSEPH +47 347
>Arie_Sinke: ADDERRV I5 RED.. +27 348
#note This wins a sim, which surprises me, because after the game I regretted playing REDOX instead of DROVED 3C, which gets rid of the V at a cost of only 3 points. Looking at the sim details, it seems that in a late game situation where bingos are unlikely, the V is hurting me less than usual, and opening up H1 is a bigger deal than I might have though. I am still not 100% convinced that I made the right call here.
>Agnes_Kramer: FILL 4A FILL. +24 371
>Arie_Sinke: ADGIRRV B1 VIR.D +18 366
#note I knew I was in trouble here, particularly if I drew the Q, but I was running out of time and figured I had better put something down fast to give myself time for the endgame. This seemed terrible but it's one of the better options. The surprising sim winner is FRIAR A4 - for the second time in a row, plays retaining a V surprise me by simming well. I guess FRIAR scores enough to be competitive in a lot of close endgames while blocking easy scores from the F? It's about 10% likelier to win than the next best play, which is VIZARD (I didn't see that, it's clearly better than my choice.) I'm at about 22% to win with my play, 38% after FRIAR.
>Agnes_Kramer: AEILOT A4 .OLIATE +33 404
>Arie_Sinke: AAGQRYY 14I YAY +25 391
#note This is better than playing the Q. I can's stop Agnes from going out.
>Agnes_Kramer: EINR G3 REIN +10 414
>Agnes_Kramer: (QRAG) +28 442