Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Kyle_Fellahi Kyle Fellahi
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Kyle_Fellahi: AEGHIIT H6 AHI +12 12
>Jackson: EILMQRR G8 QI +23 23
>Kyle_Fellahi: EGGIIKT F9 KEG +16 28
>Jackson: EELMRRV 6G M.RVELER +73 96
>Kyle_Fellahi: AGIITY L3 AGI.ITY +24 52
>Jackson: CGILNRU 3F CINGUL.R +78 174
>Kyle_Fellahi: AADEIOS 11C ADA.IO +16 68
>Jackson: BEHNOTZ H11 .ZONE +72 246
>Kyle_Fellahi: PSU H1 PU.S +21 89
>Jackson: BEEHOTT 5K B.TE +24 270
#note DOETH seems like a good play. with S in hand for him, I liked restricting MARVELERS
>Kyle_Fellahi: EEJST O1 JETES +46 135
>Jackson: EHMNOTU G13 HUM +27 297
>Kyle_Fellahi: BEOO 12B OBOE +24 159
>Jackson: ?AEINOT M9 ATONIEs +70 367
>Kyle_Fellahi: FO F13 OF +33 192
>Jackson: ADORSTW 13B DAW +34 401
>Kyle_Fellahi: ACDV 14J CAV.D +34 226
>Jackson: IOORSST I6 .OSTI +25 426
>Kyle_Fellahi: ADFLNPX - +0 226
>Jackson: ANNORSU L11 NU +10 436
#note NUG/LUBE
>Kyle_Fellahi: Y 2N Y. +10 236
>Jackson: ALNORSW K10 WON +21 457
>Kyle_Fellahi: DP J2 P.D +12 248
>Jackson: AFILRRS E4 FLAIRS +25 482
#note FRAGILITY is cool
>Kyle_Fellahi: ?EEELNT D3 TEEN +22 270
>Jackson: ARRX 15M .AX +30 512
>Kyle_Fellahi: ?EL C1 LiE +8 278
>Kyle_Fellahi: (RR) +4 282
Player 2
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