Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Jared_Cappel Jared Cappel
>Morris_Greenberg: AEINORW 8G WO +10 10
#note Was choosing between WO and WANIER, this fit my style more, Quackle likes them roughly the same.
>Jared_Cappel: AGJLRTT F8 TAJ +32 32
>Morris_Greenberg: ?ADEINR H8 .RDAINEd +77 87
>Jared_Cappel: EGLRTUY 13D URGE.TLY +64 96
>Morris_Greenberg: ADGKMOP 12J AMOK +29 116
#note I found this turn to be tough, I took awhile. DOGMA is the standard equity play, but this board seemed restrictive enough that DOGMA will often give good plays for Jared's 7 random tiles, whereas AMOK may really limit his options. I hated the DGP leave and 3 fewer points, but thought the board position merited it. Quackle prefers DOGMA or PADO(U)K D9 which I missed.
>Jared_Cappel: ?ELNRTV D12 V.LN +16 112
#note Missed VENTR(AL)Ly as a 9.
>Morris_Greenberg: DGINPTU M10 PU.ING +26 142
#note i missed PIG(N)UT, that looks a bit better.
>Jared_Cappel: ?AEERTU N4 fEATURE +66 178
#note Simming best at 1000 iterations. The non-bingo plays across 15 through the G seem to sim slightly better than the other bingos (aureate/austere)
>Morris_Greenberg: DEENSTY O8 NEEDY +52 194
>Jared_Cappel: AAINRSU I2 URANIAS +66 244
#note Simming better than ANURIAs.
>Morris_Greenberg: EEEORST 15L O.EE +18 212
>Jared_Cappel: HIIOOSV J1 OH +26 270
#note I spent the rest of the game kicking myself for not playing HOO to shut down the board at the expense of only 3 pts compared to OH. Quackle says 5D VISION (which I saw) is a bit better than HOO, which sims second. My lazy play of OH sims 6th.
>Morris_Greenberg: EIIRSST 7M I. +3 215
#note I missed IRIT(I)SES
>Jared_Cappel: EIIOOSV L3 IVIES +19 289
#note After his fishing off one tile, I felt I had to play this to complicate his bingo chances on a board that is not great for bingoing after this play. If he hadn't just played off one, I'd be playing IVIES at O1 or OVINE at 15A. Not sure if this is right. Open to thoughts.
>Morris_Greenberg: DEIRSST 3C STRIDE.S +78 293
>Jared_Cappel: ABCGIOZ K8 BIGA.. +28 317
#note I missed the top simming plays of 15A AZONIC or BOING. My play sims a close third. I chickened out on COZ/CIVIES this turn knowing that CIVY is no good but forgetting about CIVIE. I thought I could maybe play COZ in that spot at a later turn if needed. Morris knew the hook but did not see it in-game.
>Morris_Greenberg: ABEHOQT H1 TH.BE +57 350
>Jared_Cappel: CEFFORZ O1 OFFER +40 357
#note Quackle is suggesting the very un-humanlike plays of M1EFF or OFF. It sets up my Z for huge plays but Morris will be taking out those spots most of the time, so I'm not so sure about the engine's analysis here. CIVIES/COFF is probably the best play here, leaving a strong leave of REZ. My play sims next best.
>Morris_Greenberg: ACDLOOQ F2 Q. +31 381
>Jared_Cappel: CLMOTWZ 15A MOW. +27 384
>Morris_Greenberg: ACDLOOX 5E LOD.. +12 393
#note I didn't have a ton of time here, and missed the C(IVIES) front hook. Jared was also low on time. This wins 3/8 endgames (A, I, or P in the bag), and ties with perfect play with an L, forces Jared to find a very precise endgames with C in the bag, or somewhat precise endgames with N or T in the bag. CAL(F)/(C)IVIES is the standout here though winning 6/8 though some require very precise endgames, and Quackle suggests AX(E)D which wins 5/8 and ties 1/8.
>Jared_Cappel: CILNPTZ 6C CLIP +26 410
#note ZIP is 13 points better in valuation (but still doesn't win).
>Morris_Greenberg: AACOX G11 AX. +21 414
#note I missed the beautiful idea of (L)AX to set up an unblockable COA(X)!
>Jared_Cappel: NTZ 6K Z.T. +15 425
>Morris_Greenberg: ACO 2A OCA +12 426
>Morris_Greenberg: (N) +2 428