Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Trevor_Sealy Trevor Sealy
#player2 Arie_Sinke Arie Sinke
>Trevor_Sealy: AIM 8F AMI +10 10
>Arie_Sinke: ?AAEEOR E7 AREOlAE +68 68
#note This is the highest scoring bingo available to me.
>Trevor_Sealy: EFO F10 FOE +30 40
>Arie_Sinke: CEIILOO I3 COOLIE +19 87
#note Best by far.
>Trevor_Sealy: IIIIIUU -IIIIU +0 40
>Arie_Sinke: AFINQRS 7H Q. +22 109
#note This looks like a substantial improvement over CINQS 3I for 32. I should bingo about 28% of the time after this fish.
>Trevor_Sealy: AILW D12 WAIL +30 70
>Arie_Sinke: AFILNRS 15A FRI.L +24 133
#note Multiple options are reasonable here. This is fine; FILL and FALL sim better by a razor thin margin. I guess the R is worth more than 3 points here. It's close.
>Trevor_Sealy: AINNOYZ D9 YO +16 86
>Arie_Sinke: AEEGNSW C9 EW +23 156
#note I may have overvalued the leave this play retained - GNAWER B10 sims a bit better. AEGNS looks barely better than ES here.
>Trevor_Sealy: DIK 8A KID +31 117
>Arie_Sinke: ?AEGNOS 4C OrEGAN.S +68 224
#note Several options are available. My play scored two points less than the top scoring options (dECAGONS and ACrOGENS through the C in COOLIE) but I thought it might have some merit for long term defense, as it made bingos in the northwest quadrant unlikely. All the plays sim close.
>Trevor_Sealy: AENOSTU J8 SOUTANE +69 186
>Arie_Sinke: DEEHINO K10 HONED +34 258
#note This wins a sim. It scores well and closes down a lot. It's really tough for Trevor to bingo on this board.
>Trevor_Sealy: ANRU 6I .UNAR +7 193
>Arie_Sinke: EEGIJUV M2 JIVE. +30 288
#note Trying to keep things tight here - this play blocks eights through the A and the R and most sevens involving LUNARS. There are no Os out so J overlaps are a nonissue. Quackle likes VUG 3A, probably because it cleans up the worst tiles on my rack and will occasionally give me JIVE, but I think JIVER is better for averting unliikely surprise losses.
>Trevor_Sealy: TX 13J ..XT +22 215
>Arie_Sinke: ADEGPTU L11 PA. +35 323
#note Best - scores far more than anything else.
>Trevor_Sealy: EIR 15A .....IER +33 248
>Arie_Sinke: BDEGGTU 3A TUBED +28 351
#note Quackle doesn't love this but it scores more than the alternatives and I think it has to be best. The one cautionary note is that the Z is still out, so I may be vulnerable to plays like DITZ and then being outrun.
>Trevor_Sealy: AR 2M .AR +20 268
>Arie_Sinke: CGGITYZ O1 G.IZ +72 423
#note Clearly best.
>Trevor_Sealy: NRT L5 R.NT +7 275
>Arie_Sinke: CEGLSTY N11 CYST +30 453
#note Just taking the points here while retaining my only vowel (pool is consonant heavy so that helps a lot.) Quackle thinks GEY 5C is slightly better, but I have a hard time buying into that, as I'll often struggle to go out with a 4 consonant leave.
>Trevor_Sealy: INV 5E VIN +31 306
>Arie_Sinke: BDEGHLM A1 BE.H +39 492
#note This is best. I block PUTTS, which is Trevor's only out.
>Trevor_Sealy: PSTU 8L .UPS +18 324
>Arie_Sinke: DGLM 2A .M +16 508
#note Best.
>Trevor_Sealy: T 13C T.. +6 330
>Trevor_Sealy: (DGL) +10 340