Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 JoshuaSokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 ChristopherSykes Christopher Sykes
>JoshuaSokol: ?CDILSS H5 DISC +14 14
#note Quackle prefers DISCS by enough of a margin that I agree. No hooks, I bingo a ton with the S or through the I as a 2x2. #findingsmall
>ChristopherSykes: ADEELNT 6D ENTA.LED +63 63
>JoshuaSokol: ?EILNPS E4 PI.NuLES +86 100
#note the most heartbreaking miss of the entire tournament. DISCIPLINES from DISC. And it's not like I didn't look. I was just thinking about DIS as a prefix. #findingsaddest
>ChristopherSykes: OOYZ 10B ZOO.Y +45 108
>JoshuaSokol: NOORRUV K3 VOU.ON +20 120
#note seems right over VO(D)OUN to avoid a lot of high-scoring conso dumps at 8K with the U rather than the N.
>ChristopherSykes: IQ 9G QI +29 137
>JoshuaSokol: AAIRRRU L8 URARI +15 135
>ChristopherSykes: GHU D3 HUG. +27 164
>JoshuaSokol: ADEERST 13G DEAREST +78 213
#note I played this, yet never was aware of DEARESTS. Absolutely awful to miss that, extremely lucky it never cost me.
>ChristopherSykes: AGITU 11G GUITA. +14 178
>JoshuaSokol: ADIIKNT M3 KAINIT +25 238
#note this is probably wrong given that it somewhat protects DEARESTS from ever getting blocked. At least if I was aware of DEARESTS, I could justify this some other way. KADI(S) 11A seems good here if I don't want to go crazy with IKAT C1.
>ChristopherSykes: EOOY B10 .OOEY +34 212
>JoshuaSokol: ABDFNWX A13 FAX +49 287
#note I super regretted this over WAX. Never considered that him overlapping FAX is significantly easier, even though it's easier for me too. Quackle thinks this is around a point worse. #tacticssmall
>ChristopherSykes: EEW C12 EWE +38 250
>JoshuaSokol: BDELNRW I10 B.N.L +7 294
#note no clue here, maybe I should not engage in the defensive arts and play BLED C1.
>ChristopherSykes: FOO F2 FOO +19 269
>JoshuaSokol: BDEHMRW K10 M.B. +16 310
>ChristopherSykes: AJR 14F JAR. +32 301
>JoshuaSokol: DEGHRTW 15G WE +31 341
#note holding on by a thread
>ChristopherSykes: LP 4K .P.L +12 313
>JoshuaSokol: CDEGHRT 3M .EG +10 351
#note see previous commentary
>ChristopherSykes: ISV O1 VI.S +35 348
>JoshuaSokol: CDEEHRT N2 H..D +29 380
#note I will still lose to ARTIsAN/DEARESTS. I had no clue.
>ChristopherSykes: ?AAMNRT 8A ANTR.M +24 372
>JoshuaSokol: CEEIRT C1 ICE +20 400
>ChristopherSykes: ?A 7E .An. +9 381
>ChristopherSykes: (RTE) +6 387
Player 2
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