Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 JoshuaSokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 ChloeFatsis Chloe Fatsis
>JoshuaSokol: CIINRUX H6 CRUX +26 26
#note seemed interesting between this, XI, XU, and NIX. XU is a play I no longer open with, XI pretty much the same, and NIX seemed unnecessarily simplifying, so this.
>ChloeFatsis: DEEEINP 6E PIE.ED +17 17
#note was not excited about PIE, but that looks a good amount better, gives back less than this even. Probably was too scared of the J10 spot PIE makes, it's not so bad since X gone, and I keep the D for PIED.
>JoshuaSokol: IIIKNST 5I TIKI +21 47
#note could play this at I8 to create an S hook, but that creates easy play on the H column that closes the S hook, but also potentially helps me by opening floaters. This seemed more scoring defensive. Chloe agreed, but I'm still not sure. #questionable
>ChloeFatsis: EENNRSS G8 NE +15 32
>JoshuaSokol: HILNSTU 5E UH +23 70
#note thought this did give back the occasional very nice bailout on the 4 row, and that I don't draw any vowels a decent amount, so perhaps too risky, but the board had such low entropy for the ILNST leave, so it seemed fine. Also considered HUT since her range doesn't really do much at 4A. But ILNST responds well to most of her bingos, which I figured would be on the F column or the 10 row. #questionable
>ChloeFatsis: EENRSST M3 NESTERS +77 109
#note RESENTS to make a less good 8L spot
>JoshuaSokol: EILNRST F9 LINTERS +71 141
>ChloeFatsis: FLOTUVW 8L V.OW +42 151
>JoshuaSokol: AAEEHIQ E10 QI +37 178
#note not liking the position
>ChloeFatsis: ?FILOTU 15C mOI.TFUL +83 234
>JoshuaSokol: AAEEHYZ 4D AYAH +34 212
#note can't say I saw the pretty EY(R)A 7F. That might help to balance the rack next turn, since it also intends on playing at D11 a lot, although HAZED happens a good amount at 4A too. Quackle prefers EYRA slightly, can't say I disagree. Luckily, this play happens to work out for me. #questionable
>ChloeFatsis: ABIORST L8 .IBRATOS +80 314
>JoshuaSokol: BEEGNOZ 4L G.EZ +54 266
#note took forever to see this. Was happy to notice that if she exchanged next turn, I was tying the game after BON(Z)E.
>ChloeFatsis: AGNRRTU C2 RUNG +21 335
>ChloeFatsis: AGNRRTU -- -21 314
#note Horrible. For some reason thought that both NYAH and NAYAH* once he played AYAH, and never even considered that the real hook was an A. I am in great shape after C3 GRUNT
>JoshuaSokol: ABCEJNO O1 BON.E +48 314
#note tying the game up, but not in the way I expected.
>ChloeFatsis: AGNRRTU N1 AGU. +23 337
#note GRUNT again
>JoshuaSokol: AACDJLW D11 JAW +36 350
#note seemed very close between JAW D11 and JAW(E)D 13C. Keeping the D for DJIN could be useful, but also could backfire. #questionable
>ChloeFatsis: DINNRRT C8 RIND +18 355
#note better at C4
>JoshuaSokol: AACDLLV 8A LA.VA +36 386
>ChloeFatsis: DENORTY 13C T.E.DY +30 385
#note or C2 DORY
>JoshuaSokol: ?CDELOO O8 .OODLiCE +92 478
#note outruns most out-bingos, but not all of them. Had I been sure of CLODPOLE, I might have played that, since most of her bingos fit there. I think CLODPOLE should win the most games, since I don't foresee losing in any endgames that don't involve bingos. 32 draws seem to win for Chloe after WOODLICE, and 27 after C(L)ODpOLE, so a slight edge to blocking. If it were the beginning of the tournament, WOODLICE would be the best play for spread. #knowledgesmall
>ChloeFatsis: EINOOPR - +0 385
#note #unsuccessful-challenge. I knew the word, but felt forced
>JoshuaSokol: AAEFGMM 3B GAM +16 494
#note this is only an 8-point mistake, but it's laughably stupid. Completely spaced out on GAM's obscure hook. Best is 3G AGMA which I saw as a 2nd play following F(R)EMD, but thought this was best because it blocked RAYAH plays. Great job, me. #endgamemedium
>ChloeFatsis: EINOOPR A1 PRONE +31 416
>JoshuaSokol: AEFM 11J FA.ME. +24 518
>JoshuaSokol: (IO) +4 522
#note Another pretty crushing and deserved loss, peak tilt was after this game!
Player 2
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