Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 JoshuaSokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 ChristopherSykes Christopher Sykes
>JoshuaSokol: AHNNRSW H6 HWAN +20 20
>ChristopherSykes: OOX I7 OXO +30 30
>JoshuaSokol: FGINRSY 8G F.. +13 33
#note this was fun. blocks high-scoring AXE overlaps and bingos a decent amount, mostly just prepares to respond to a ton of possible stuff Chris could have.
>ChristopherSykes: CEE J5 CEE +13 43
>JoshuaSokol: GINNRSY 5J .RYING +24 57
#note this is fine, but just (C)RY is really nice much of the time, giving nothing tremendous back, and bingo-ing way more than CRYING. reduces opponent score by almost 10 immediately. Should have given it more thought. #strategysmall
>ChristopherSykes: EILLORS O5 .IROLLES +80 123
>JoshuaSokol: AEGLNRS L2 LAR.NGES +76 133
>ChristopherSykes: AO 4K O.A +7 130
>JoshuaSokol: ADEIIOR M9 OIDIA +17 150
#note felt totally stupid when I realized I forgot about the J column lane. The K8 placement isn't without risks either. #questionable
>ChristopherSykes: Y 11M .Y. +7 137
>JoshuaSokol: ?DEKRTW J9 TWeRKED +77 227
#note underscored by 1 (76), this becomes relevant later
>ChristopherSykes: AEIRSST 13C ASTERIS. +78 215
>JoshuaSokol: AAEFOTZ 15F FAZE. +54 281
>ChristopherSykes: DENUV 2J VU.NED +36 251
>JoshuaSokol: AENOOPT 12C POET +24 305
#note 1M OPE sims best. This might be too far, since immediate 2x2s, or some scoring plays can really cause problems if I draw poorly, but it's hard to say no to reducing bingo% from 1/6 to 1/60 and taking a 54-point lead on a low-entropy board is very nice.
>ChristopherSykes: CHMU 11E MUCH +35 286
#note lucky he didn't find CHUM in the same spot for 7 more
>JoshuaSokol: ADIIINO 1M ADO +26 331
#note I guess preparing to exchange next turn, but this opens me up to getting set up on with IIIN. I think I should just do OI 1N, it's way more reasonable and 17 points are decent here. Quack also likes ANI 1M, and OIDIA G2 which I considered and found to be too much of a concession to make given my last play. #questionable
>ChristopherSykes: J F10 J... +27 313
>JoshuaSokol: EEIIINU -EIIIU +0 331
#note could just toss 'em all and go for the blank. Quackle thinks I am no longer favored to win this game.
>ChristopherSykes: TV 13L V.T +6 319
>JoshuaSokol: ABEINQU 3N BA +14 345
#note this was wrong, point blank. I need to play BI N8. Realized I really want my A after hitting the clock. Too used to keeping QI over QA. I also know he didn't have an I last move, so maybe QUA G4 and hope he doesn't have the last A or some other big play? #strategymedium
>ChristopherSykes: AGINORT C11 O.. +5 324
>JoshuaSokol: EIINQUU B8 QUIN +17 362
#note put some seriously thought into playing (T)UI N13, trying to outrun the bingo by setting up QU(I)N. But what if he plays through the I? Then I'm in the same position but worse because I've just scored nothing and he's well-groomed. This obviously just loses to bingos, but blocks way more of them. It seemed like he was about to exchange before he played OPA, so I thought maybe he wasn't actually that strong. I feel like this gets into some sticky endgame and pre-endgame situations, but that I should maneuver just well enough to win a good amount of them. #questionable
>ChristopherSykes: AGIINRT C3 ARTIGI +29 353
#note blocked AIRTING. Thought the game was over and he was playing ARTIGIs.
>JoshuaSokol: BEEEILU D1 BILE +24 386
#note saw a ridiculous amount of ghosts this endgame, most notable after D2 BEE, thinking that after (TE)MPT 5C, my outs were blocked and that my best was LI(T)U G3 which loses by 1 to uN(FAZED), until a recount would have tied the game up given my earlier misscore of TWeRKED. The worst part in all this isn't that I had misscored TWERKED, but that I missed that TEMPT gives me (M)ULIE E5 as an out. This endgame should have been clear as day to me and instead I just flushed 6 minutes down the drain and basically hoped (informedly) that this would be enough. -10 #endgamesaddest
>ChristopherSykes: ?MNPT 1A ToM. +21 374
>JoshuaSokol: EEU L13 .EE +7 393
>ChristopherSykes: NP 6B P.N +11 385
>ChristopherSykes: (U) +2 387