Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#description Created by web server
#id 3605
#lexicon NWL18
#player1 guest guest
#player2 robotessa robotessa
>guest: RWAFRBT 8G BARF +18 18
>robotessa: AUOMAEO -AAOOU +0 0
>guest: WRTITAS 9E WRIT +15 33
>robotessa: MEVNVRT -MVV +0 0
>guest: TASELOO 10C LOO +8 41
>robotessa: ENRTUOA 11E OUR +18 18
>guest: TASEF?N K2 FAsTENS +78 119
>robotessa: ENTATLN I8 .ENTAL +17 35
>guest: GAANMEB H12 BANG +39 158
>robotessa: TNIEWIO J5 EW +28 63
>guest: AMEPPAK 4K .AP +8 166
>robotessa: TNIIOHD 12C HID +22 85
>guest: MEPAKOI M2 KI. +18 184
>robotessa: TNIOIDS 13C ID +19 104
>guest: MEPAOEU 14B UP +16 200
>robotessa: TNOISIE 2J I. +7 111
>guest: MEAOEET 1G MEAT +20 220
>robotessa: TNOSIEA 6I O.. +6 117
>guest: OEEUSNC 1M SEC +25 245
>robotessa: TNSIEAV 2B NATIVES +92 209
>guest: OEUNODA 1A DON +16 261
>robotessa: LLOGUIZ C1 ..ZI +26 235
>guest: EUOA?EY A13 AYE +26 287
>robotessa: LLOGUCQ G1 ..G +8 243
>guest: UO?EEYI 11I .OY +12 299
>robotessa: LLOUCQN 4A CO.N +18 261
>guest: U?EEIRS A4 .RIES +21 320
>robotessa: LLUQMER B13 R.M +14 275
>guest: U?EEIRX 12K EX +23 343
>robotessa: LLUQETA N1 .AT +20 295
>guest: U?EIROD O3 sOURED +23 366
>robotessa: LLUQEGH H5 EH +15 310
>guest: IVEJ 5E JIV. +28 394
>robotessa: LLUQG 8A .UQ +12 322
>guest: E 5A .E +4 398
>guest: (time) -0 398
>robotessa: LLG (LLG) -4 318
>robotessa: LLG (time) -0 318
>guest: (LLG) +4 402
Player 2
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Copyright © 2005-2025 Seth Lipkin and Keith Smith
Some data copyright © 1999-2009 National Scrabble Association and © 2009-2025 NASPA
SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the USA and Canada.
Current time: 2025-01-28 16:25:19 Server IP: