Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Deen Deen
#player2 Jason Jason
>Deen: ELPRY 8H REPLY +28 28
>Jason: ADFIORU K5 FOU.ARD +44 44
>Deen: EHTY J3 THEY +36 64
>Jason: AAEEIOZ 7G ZOA +28 72
>Deen: AILOORT 11F TOROI.AL +59 123
>Jason: AEEEIRT H11 .ETIE +18 90
>Deen: GOX 12L GOX +30 153
>Jason: ADEEMNR 14D REMA.NED +69 159
>Deen: ACPT L2 PACT +22 175
>Jason: ?AIIMNU 9B MINUtIA +63 222
>Deen: HOT M1 HOT +20 195
>Jason: ABGINNS D4 BANNI.GS +74 296
#note CSW only. This is a tough challenge.
>Deen: ITW 13M WIT +33 228
>Jason: DEGIJOQ 15K EJIDO +66 362
>Deen: ELOV 15A VOLE +27 255
>Jason: AFGKQUW 8A QUA. +45 407
>Deen: CINR 5C C.IRN +14 269
>Jason: AEFGIKW N2 WEAK +41 448
#note Over WEKA since I have the last K hook other than the blank
>Deen: BERSV H1 VERBS +47 316
>Jason: DEFGILU O5 IGLU +21 469
#note GIF same spot is 3 better; I have to block SiNES
>Deen: ?ENSS F1 SENo.S +9 325
>Deen: (FED) +14 339
Player 2
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