Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
#player2 Jeremy_Hall Jeremy Hall
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?DEEFRV 8B FEVEReD +84 84
>Jeremy_Hall: EEJXZ E4 JEEZ. +42 42
#note Partial rack. Jeremy said his rack was something like this.
>Jonathan_Lindh: GNNOOTT 7G NOG +12 96
#note F2 TOON or GOON are better.
>Jeremy_Hall: AMX 9A MAX +42 84
>Jonathan_Lindh: EELNNOT 9G TENON +14 110
#note F2 ENOL for 17 would have avoided a lot of pain the next turn.
>Jeremy_Hall: EQSUU 8K USQUE +47 131
#note If I played ENOL, Jeremy may have tried for FAQUIRS which he said he was considering.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AABILPT 10A AB +28 138
#note Best.
>Jeremy_Hall: CDR N6 CR.D +13 144
>Jonathan_Lindh: AILOPTT 10J PITA +25 163
#note L1 TALIPOTS for 72. This game was definitely winnable.
>Jeremy_Hall: DEEGMR 5E .MERGED +22 166
>Jonathan_Lindh: DLLOSTT 11H LOST +21 184
#note I passed on TOLD because I didn't like the underlaps it created.
>Jeremy_Hall: ?AEGLNO 12B tANGELO +69 235
#note GALLEON is 71 at 12C. If I played TOLD, Jeremy has HALOGEN for a bunch more.
>Jonathan_Lindh: DIKLOTU 13A KILO +23 207
#note 13A TOLUID for 27.
>Jeremy_Hall: AWY 6J WAY +33 268
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADIPSTU A13 .IP +27 234
#note I was scared of the looming I's in the unseen pool.
>Jeremy_Hall: BOY 6C OB.Y +32 300
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADORSTU H1 ARDO. +21 255
#note The Championship Player comes up with SUDOR in the same spot but ARDOR.
>Jeremy_Hall: CHI 14D HIC +20 320
>Jonathan_Lindh: AIILSTU 15A .IU +5 260
>Jeremy_Hall: AAEIRRU - +0 320
#note Exchange 5. Not actual rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AFILNST 1D FANT.ILS +65 325
#note Best. I thought I had a chance at this point.
>Jeremy_Hall: AEINRTT 13H TERTIAN +69 389
#note However, I did not.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEHIIUV 2K HIVE +25 350
#note 12L HAE is 2 better in theory, but none of us saw RESOW so HIVE is probably better in practise.
>Jeremy_Hall: EORSW 4J SOWER +26 415
#note O11 RESOW is 35.
>Jeremy_Hall: (UAI) +6 421
#note Final score recorded as 419-350. This game would have been a lot different had I found TALIPOTS.
Player 2
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